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6 Easy-to-Implement Tips to Increase Website Conversion
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There was a time when just having a website was enough to stand out in the market.

Today, with the Brazilian market maturing in relation to Digital Marketing and the emergence of a multitude of competing platforms, much more than just existing, a website needs to have a clear objective to bring a return to the company's objectives.

With this in mind, we need to define the objective of our website very well so that we can give it conversion tools.


But what does “convert more” mean?

We can understand as “conversion” that sales action on the internet or that, at least, brings the potential customer closer to the sales action. For example: you are unlikely to sell a house online, but you can encourage the person to schedule a visit to the project, or a call from the broker.

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Therefore, you are the one who defines what a conversion will be on the website.

The tips below seek to increase website conversion by increasing the volume of users who, when directed to the correct funnels, perform the desired action.


Tips to increase website conversion

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#1 Increase website speed

Nowadays it is unthinkable to say that the website is good if it is slow. Google itself ranks site speed as one of the main criteria for positioning an address among the first places in organic search.

If your website is slow, it will most likely not appear among the top results – and most likely, it will also have a high bounce rate, which is the number of people who leave your website before it can load.

There are two good tools to find out what the real speed of a website is. The first is Google PageSpeed ​​Insights, in which it is possible to see the site's speed based on a rating scale that goes from zero to 100. To consider the potential of being ranked, the site must have a minimum score – which , in the case of Google, it is 70.


And don't be sad if your site doesn't reach 100: this score is practically impossible.

So, go to Google Speed ​​Insights and see your site's score. If it is below 70, it is essential to take some actions, such as the suggestions from Speed ​​Insights itself.

Some are very technical and you may not understand (but the website programmer will), and others can be done even without technical development knowledge, such as uploading lighter images, less content and fewer videos.

Among the technical topics are servers, cache, cookies and other terms related to how the website was developed. But, starting with optimizing images and content, site speed increases and, with it, the chances of conversion.


And how to optimize images to increase website conversion?

  1. Use the EWWW plugin to optimize all current and future images automatically upon upload.
  2. Use the WP Super Cache plugin to optimize caches and cookies.
  3. Avoid placing high definition videos on the website – a tip is to place the link for the video to open on another page or even on YouTube.

#2 Responsiveness

It seems absurd to say this in 2020, but many websites are still not responsive. In other words, they do not adapt to mobile devices. This means that if the user enters the website and it is not responsive, there are two options left:

  1. Trying hard to understand what is being communicated there, since to navigate she needs to zoom in and click on several links until she finds what she is looking for;
  2. Give up and look for the competitor.

Generally, it is the second option that wins.

To make a website responsive you need the help of a developer. Another option is to create landing pages using tools that, in themselves, are already capable of making the website responsive.

The most intuitive ones today are Leadpages and Unbounce. Both are paid – starting between 30 and 40 dollars per month. But, if you think about the benefit of having users who will stay on the site because it is responsive, it is worth it.

#3 Unique value proposition

Returning to the first point on this list, about website speed, some research shows that people only need nine seconds to enter your website and decide whether or not they will continue there.


In addition to speed, one thing you can do is make the value proposition of your website clear: what will it achieve by being there? Any free content? Exclusive offers? Interesting information? This must be explicit on the website's first screen.

If the person has to search a lot, you already reduce the possibility of the website converting – which, down the road, can greatly harm your results.

Some examples of value propositions that tend to work very well:

  • If you have an insurance website, for example, you can say on the website that you quote with all insurance companies. This is the benefit that the person reaps from being on your website;
  • If the company is a lunchbox company, it can say on the website that you deliver up to five minutes before noon, a differentiator in the sector.

Remember that there is no point in just doing it: it is essential to make this information explicit on the website.

#4 Call to Action (CTA)

Generally, a CTA is a button that invites someone to take an action you want them to take. Let's imagine that a user has entered your website and has dozens of options for what to do next: see more, buy, go to another page, add to cart…


No matter how many options you give, there will always be the one that you consider most advantageous to the business strategy.

In the case of the insurance company we mentioned in item #3, for example, you can place a button so that the person can get a free quote online, right there, right away. In the lunchbox company there may be a CTA button offering a discount on the first purchase.

The ideal is to have more than one button with the same option, so that the user doesn't feel lost. This greatly increases conversion because, in addition to being on a fast, responsive website that offers a clear benefit, they will also be invited, in a simple way, to take action.

#5 WhatsApp button

It is almost impossible to imagine a business that does not use WhatsApp to serve customers and potential customers. Therefore, one thing that always works is to place a WhatsApp button on the website, because it is a simple thing to do and it certainly increases the website's conversion.


After all, if the person doesn't click on the CTAs and has any questions, they will have WhatsApp to start a conversation with the brand. It's worth remembering that, nowadays, not everyone likes to call or receive calls, which makes this messaging app an excellent communication tool.

#6 Exit Pop-ups

Not everyone likes pop-ups, and the problem is that, most of the time, they have no other reason for being – besides being annoying, of course. Therefore, increasing website conversion through pop-ups is an item that requires strategic vision.

With well-defined planning, it has an interesting dynamic and can work.

Firstly, an exit pop-up is a pop-up that only appears when someone spends a few seconds on your website and chooses to leave it. This pop-up must have an offer that is different from all the ones she saw on your website, capable of convincing her to give it a second chance.


After all, if the user enters the website and doesn't take any action, there's no point in offering them something they've already seen and didn't want. This will only upset you even more. The ideal is to think about plan B.

Bookstores use this tool a lot to indicate additional products, related to what the person is searching for on the website. For example: if the user viewed several Harry Potter books and didn't buy any, an interesting exit pop-up would be something like:

“Do you like Harry Potter? How about having this complete kit for X amount?”

You can also suggest a pop-up that offers the first chapter of the searched book for free, so that people can read it in digital format and can be sure about purchasing the material.


It is always interesting to test several options based on the researched content and, over time, show the one that best enables conversion on the website.

However, pay attention to the way you do this. It is necessary to use (or develop) a program like Sumo, which has responsive pop-ups and does not hinder the usability of the page. According to Google itself, it is mandatory to have a clear “x” to allow the user to easily exit the pop-up, and it must be light, as some use heavy mechanisms to make it happen.

There are several other options to improve website conversion, including copywriting, but the purpose of this post is to give simple tips that are quick to implement and will generate immediate impacts to increase website conversion.

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6 Easy-to-Implement Tips to Increase Website Conversion

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6 Easy-to-Implement Tips to Increase Website Conversion


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6 Easy-to-Implement Tips to Increase Website Conversion

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6 Easy-to-Implement Tips to Increase Website Conversion

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