Aceh is Open Without Barriers of Ethnic and Religious Differences

by Catherine Xavier
Aceh is Open Without Barriers of Ethnic and Religious Differences
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Aceh is Open Without Barriers of Ethnic and Religious Differences

Jakarta, – The Central Board of the XXI National Sports Week (PB PON) emphasized that Aceh is ready to host the XXI PON Aceh-North Sumatra 2024 with a full commitment to embrace every difference and provide a warm welcome to all participants. This is within the framework of the spirit of Islam which brings benefits to all groups.

Deputy Daily Chair II of PB PON XXI Aceh Region, Iskandar emphasized that Aceh will be an inclusive and open place for everyone, regardless of religious or ethnic background.

“Islam is a religion that blessing for all the universe which brings benefits to all groups. We guarantee that Aceh becomes a place for all groups and citizens. For us, religious differences are nothing new and we do not make them a barrier. The Acehnese people are an open society that accepts all differences,” he said at the Merdeka 9 Forum (FMB9) with the theme “PON XXI Aceh-North Sumatra Encourages Athletes’ Achievements in the Midst of Islamic Law”, Wednesday (21/8/2024).

It is acknowledged that, even as a province that enforces Islamic law, Aceh has made thorough preparations to welcome guests from all over Indonesia who have various religious and cultural backgrounds.

“We have coordinated with the Ulema Consultative Assembly and the Acehnese indigenous community, ensuring that we are ready to be the best host,” he added.

Not only that, Iskandar revealed that all regents in the 10 locations that will be the venues for the match, together with Forkompinda, are ready to support and provide the best impression for this event.

“In general, we divide the place in Banda Aceh and Aceh Besar to participate in enlivening this PON. We are ready with infrastructure, socio-culture, and economy,” he said.

Iskandar added that the implementation of PON XXI also brought its own blessings to the people of Aceh. For example, Harapan Bangsa Stadium, which will be the main venue for the opening of PON, is in a strategic location in the middle of a residential area.

According to Iskandar, currently this stadium is not only a center for sports activities but also an integral part of the lives of the Acehnese people.

“Harapan Bangsa Stadium, as the main venue, is almost ready with only a few finishing that needs to be done. This stadium, like Senayan which is filled with people every weekend, we will organize it better because this is a very valuable investment,” he said.

Importance venue quality not only for the implementation of PON but also for the long-term benefits for Aceh. Iskandar emphasized that Harapan Bangsa Stadium will be an opportunity for Aceh for competition and athlete development.

“We welcome it if venue This can be continued as a national training center (pelatnas). We will develop a strategy so that sports events can take place in venue available, increase local revenue, and create a multiplier effect for the local economy,” said Iskandar.

Aceh is Open Without Barriers of Ethnic and Religious Differences

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