ATVI Lecturer: The Role of the Television Industry is Still Important Amidst the Onslaught of Social Media

by Catherine Xavier
ATVI Lecturer: The Role of the Television Industry is Still
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ATVI Lecturer: The Role of the Television Industry is Still Important Amidst the Onslaught of Social Media

Meanwhile, the Head of Student Affairs, Alumni and Cooperation Unit at ATVI, Hans Utama, said that technological developments were actually very helpful and even made it easier for DKV students today compared to studying graphic design in the past.

“Over time, creativity should be more easily driven by the latest computerized technology. Both DKV and broadcasting will always be dynamic following the times and will not die,” said Hans.

Meanwhile, the senior lecturer of DKV Study Program at President University, AM Hermanto, concluded that basically DKV and broadcasting are both conveying messages to audiences through visuals or images.

“During the process of creating works, both DKV and broadcasting need research and surveys in order to be able to produce maximum works,” Hermanto added.

On the occasion of the industrial visit, a joint discussion was also held to discuss student work, both DKV President University students and ATVI students.

President University students present their advertising campaign works in print and vlog form, while ATVI students present lifestyle television programs and magazine shows.

ATVI Lecturer: The Role of the Television Industry is Still Important Amidst the Onslaught of Social Media


ATVI Lecturer: The Role of the Television Industry is Still Important Amidst the Onslaught of Social Media

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