Social Media Council Becomes Polemic, Minister of Communication and Information: It's Not a Roadside Idea

by CLare Dominic
Social Media Council Becomes Polemic, Minister of Communication and Information:
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Social Media Council Becomes Polemic, Minister of Communication and Information: It's Not a Roadside Idea

On the other hand, the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo) itself continues to strive to stop the spread of hoaxes, hate speech, radicalism, and even fraudulent practices. Therefore, the Ministry of Communication and Information believes that there is a need for the public to understand digital literacy.

Increasing digital literacy was carried out through an increasingly digital literacy event with the theme 'Maintaining Indonesian Unity, Don't Be Easily Provoked in the Era of Information Abundance' which was held in Garut Regency, West Java (West Java), attended by more than 2,800 residents consisting of students and the general public.

This theme is expressed in various perspectives, including the Digital Ethics Perspective, Digital Culture, and Digital Capability. There were three resource persons present, namely the Head of Communications and Information for Garut Regency Margiyanto, Tutor and National Facilitator Aulia Putri Juniarto, and Podcaster and Entrepreneur Rizky Ardi Nugroho.

On that occasion, the Head of Communications and Information for Garut Regency, Margiyanto, invited the entire community to be wise in using social media (social media). Because, he said, currently social media can be used as a criminal offense.

“The main reason Indonesians use social media is to chat and search for information, the most widely used application is WhatsApp. The negative impact of the spread of digitalization is high online crime such as online gambling,” said Margiyanto in a written statement, Saturday (25/5/ 2024).

National Tutor Aulia Putri Juniarto added that individual skills are needed in understanding information and communication technology software. According to him, there are several ways to improve digital literacy skills, one of which is critical thinking.

“Fear of missing out or the tendency to follow trends is more on the negative side. Therefore, choose things that are beneficial for the future,” said Aulia Putri.

Social Media Council Becomes Polemic, Minister of Communication and Information: It's Not a Roadside Idea

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Social Media Council Becomes Polemic, Minister of Communication and Information: It's Not a Roadside Idea

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