Apple adjusts policies for alternative payment systems dating apps

Apple adjusts policies for alternative payment systems dating apps

alternative payment systems – Apple on Friday proposed new changes to the policy around the App Store. It did so in response to complaints from the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM). Apple previously promised to let dating apps use multiple payment systems, but the regulator concluded early last month that Apple did not yet comply with European and Dutch rules.

The issue revolves around dating apps like Tinder, Lexa, and Bumble. For example, if users of those apps subscribe, the payment will be processed by Apple.

The makers of those apps want other parties to be able to process payments in Apple’s mobile operating system iOS. With that, they also hope to be cheaper, because Apple asks 30 percent commission on those payments.

In accordance with the wishes of the ACM, Apple now offers dating app developers in the Netherlands, among other things, the possibility to choose whether they want to offer an alternative payment method in combination with Apple’s in-app purchases.

In a statement, Apple writes that “a number of adjustments according to the company is not in the interest of the privacy and data security of users”.

The company adjusts the policy at the request of the ACM, but does file an appeal.

Apple adjusts policies for alternative payment systems dating apps


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