Parking in the Green Zone, Here are NRG Coin Crypto Price Movements Today, March 1 2024

by Stephen Douglas
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Parking in the Green Zone, Here are NRG Coin Crypto Price Movements Today, March 1 2024

Previously reported, Smooth Love Potion (SLP Coin) is a type of digital money found in the Metaverse game, Axie Infinity. This token uses the Ethereum network and via Uniswap liquidity. SLP Coin is very different from other crypto assets used in games.

Reporting from Coinmarketcap, players are required to buy tokens to complete certain missions, so they can grow and be resold. Smooth Love Potion (SLP) tokens are earned by playing the Axie Infinity metaverse game. This digital asset functions as a substitute for experience points.

SLP can be used to breed digital pets in the Axie Infinity game known as Axie. Breeding costs start at 100 SLP and will increase gradually. Fees increase to 200 SLP for the second type, 300 for the third, 500 for the fourth, 800 for the fifth, and 1,300 for the fourth.

An Axie can also be bred a maximum of seven times, and the seventh breeding costs 2,100 SLP. This limit exists to prevent hyperinflation in the market.

Players need time to collect SLP through play, and a player may need to win 15 competitions to earn enough tokens to make their first spawn. However, players can buy SLP on the open market to get SLP quickly.

Who is the Founder of Smooth Love Potion?

SLP Coin was created by the CEO of Axie Infinity, Trung Nguyen. According to Nguyen, he was interested in exploring the potential of blockchain in gaming because he was frustrated with many players not actually owning valuable assets in popular games.

In an interview with Blockchain Gamer, he said the Ethereum platform has provided the best opportunity to create his dream game.

Parking in the Green Zone, Here are NRG Coin Crypto Price Movements Today, March 1 2024

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