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health insurance – Nearly 1.4 million Dutch people switched to another health insurance before the turn of the year. That amounts to 8 percent of the population and with that there were more switchers than ever. Because of the rapidly rising health care premiums and the disappearing collective discount, consumers tried to save costs more often through a switch.

In recent years, 6 to 7 percent of the Dutch population has generally switched. The fact that 8 percent now choose a different basic insurance is therefore a record. Never before since the introduction of the current healthcare system in 2006 have relatively many Dutch people switched.

The percentage of switchers is not yet final. Most consumers choose a new health insurance before the turn of the year. But there is also a group that cancels the insurance in December and chooses a new policy before the end of January.

Knowledge centre Vektis therefore expects the switching percentage to rise to between 8.1 and 8.5 percent.


The massive switch has several causes. For example, Dutch households saw the rising prices of energy and groceries quickly make life more expensive. At the same time, health care premiums rose by around 10 euros per month. By switching to a slightly cheaper health insurance, they could possibly offset that price increase.

Discount basic insurance via employer expires

But this year the collective discount also expired. About 60 percent of the Dutch had health insurance through their employer or, for example, a sports club last year and received up to 5 percent discount on the basic premium. This discount was abolished this year, because it was raised with higher premiums for other insured persons.

As a result, millions of Dutch people saw the premium rise even faster due to the loss of the discount and switching also became more attractive for them.

Switching percentage of health insurance to peak

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