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Everything you need to know about V4 Company franchises » Portal Insights
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As a former V4 Company franchisee and having had a successful journey within the ecosystem, I constantly receive questions from people looking to acquire a Digital Marketing franchise from the company.

In this text I will answer the most common questions in detail, sharing my “insider” view of the largest Digital Marketing consultancy in Latin America and, perhaps, the biggest growth case that Brazil has ever seen in the B2B market.

First, it is worth highlighting that nothing here reflects the official positioning of V4 Company. All comments are exclusively personal – please take them into consideration but do not take them as definitive without first speaking to the V4 Company sales team.

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Another observation is that I have already written two interesting texts about my experience, which you can read in sequence: one about my first year as a franchisee partner and another with valuable tips on how to be successful as a franchisee partner at V4 Company.

Finally, know that we have a list of the best digital marketing franchises in the country, updated annually.

Summarizing both articles here:

  1. I was a franchisee of V4 Company from January 2021 until July 2022 (when I sold my unit to another franchisee partner). For me, it was worth it because I already had experience providing digital marketing services and, when I became a franchisee, I could count on V4's sales force. If you already have experience with Digital Marketing and are aligned with the company's values, I recommend V4 with your eyes closed. Now, if this is not your case, it is worth rethinking whether you are willing to go through the learning curve.
  2. To be successful as a franchisee at V4 Company you basically need to see your unit as YOUR company, not a franchisee. This is because the head office will not take your hand and help you in each step of the process, and if you do not have operational quality, you will most likely not receive customers.

Now, without further ado, let’s get to the questions and answers:

1. How much does a franchise cost?

To acquire a V4 Company franchised unit you will need to invest at least R$100,000, which includes training (integration) and the license to use the brand.

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2. What is the return on investment and payback of the franchise?

The payback of a V4 Company unit will largely depend on the speed of growth of its unit (capacity to sell) and the quality of its operation (ability to retain customers). Considering that you will have an operation of average quality and growth within expectations, your money can return in the first twelve months.

3. How much does a V4 Company franchisee earn?

After one year of operation, a V4 franchisee partner can receive a bonus of up to R$10,000. However, this will largely depend on how much you want to reinvest the profit in the growth of the unit – there are owners of large units who take out less than R$5,000 because they chose to invest in growth instead of making a greater personal profit in the short term.

4. How much does V4 charge per customer?

On average, a V4 Company contract will vary between R$4,000 and R$7,000. However, there are clients with dedicated teams who pay up to R$50,000 – that is, there is no set price or contract limit.

5. Does V4 guarantee customers for franchises?

Yes, but only the first customers who are determined by contract. After that, customer allocation will depend on your ability to retain customers.


For example, if you have a churn rate within (or below average), you will receive customers on a recurring basis – I myself, in 18 months of franchise, never stopped receiving monthly customers.

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But if your churn is high or your unit cannot meet the matrix criteria (there are several, ranging from employee certifications to customer NPS) you certainly won't get paid.

Despite this, it is worth highlighting that the matrix does not prevent you from continuing to sell on your own.

6. Will I need to sell if I am a franchise partner?

No, making sales for your unit is not mandatory as a franchise partner of V4 Company. However, it is highly recommended that you have your own sales machine, as this will accelerate your growth – even the head office also provides support and training for this.


7. What is V4 Company's franchise fee?

Currently royalties vary between 18% and 25%. The larger your unit, the lower your royalty rate.

8. Is V4 Company a pyramid?

No. By definition, a financial pyramid is a business whose sustainability depends on the entry of new investors through referrals.

What sustains V4 Company is not the sale of franchises, but the amounts paid for the provision of Digital Marketing services.

9. Do I need to understand Digital Marketing to be a franchise partner?

You don't need to understand it to apply for a V4 Company franchise, however, to be accredited and start receiving clients, you need to go through a training and integration process. This process lasts approximately 2 months and consists of online classes, tests, TCC and in-person mentoring at the head office.


If you are starting out in Digital Marketing and want to gain practical experience before investing in a franchise, a good option is to take their Growth Marketing course, which practically guarantees that you will be hired by a franchise – or any other company that needs a professional of this caliber.

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10. When does a V4 Company professional and employee earn?

Employees who work in V4 Company units or headquarters can earn anything between R$1,000 (interns) up to R$20,000 (directors). These are the average salaries by position – keep in mind that V4's hiring model is PJ.

  • Junior Marketing Advisor – R$1,000 to R$2,500
  • Senior Marketing Advisor – R$2,500 to R$6,000
  • Exclusive Marketing Advisor for V4X clients – R$6,000 to R$10,000
  • Junior Traffic Manager – R$1,000 to R$2,500
  • Senior Traffic Manager – R$2,500 to R$7,000
  • Writer/Copywriter – R$1,500 to R$3,000
  • Junior BI Analyst – R$3,000 to R$5,000
  • Senior BI Analyst – R$5,000 – R$12,000
  • Programmer – R$5,000 to R$10,000
  • Data Scientist – R$15,000 to R$20,000
  • Marketing Director – R$15,000 to R$20,000
  • Operations Director – R$15,000 to R$20,000
  • Junior Designer – R$1,500 to R$3,500
  • Senior Designer – R$3,500 to R$5,500
  • Videomaker – R$3,000 to R$6,000

In my experience, professionals who complete V4 Company's Growth Marketing training tend to earn much more than the average.

11. What does a marketing advisor do?

A certified marketing advisor works as if he or she were the client's project manager. He takes care of the planning and execution of all aspects of marketing and, therefore, needs to have a broader knowledge of various areas. In smaller companies, the advisor may also be responsible for carrying out various actions, not just planning.

12. What is it like working at V4?

Working at V4 can be a golden opportunity for those who are starting out in Digital Marketing and want to learn quickly, regardless of the pressure. Because it is growing so much, the ecosystem offers a multitude of opportunities (especially if you have official V4 training) and, in fact, some people have already become millionaires by selling their shares in the company.

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Do you have any questions that were not answered in this text, or do you want to make a comment? Contact me on Instagram.


Everything you need to know about V4 Company franchises » Portal Insights

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Everything you need to know about V4 Company franchises » Portal Insights


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Everything you need to know about V4 Company franchises » Portal Insights


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Everything you need to know about V4 Company franchises » Portal Insights

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