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Indonesian Crypto Transactions Reach IDR 211 Trillion by April 2024
Previously, the Ministry of Trade through the Commodity Futures Trading Supervisory Agency (Bappebti) continued to increase crypto asset literacy, this time for students and the stand-up comedy community in Surabaya for two days, 17-18 May 2024.
This activity aims to provide understanding regarding crypto to the younger generation. This is because as many as 23.7 percent of crypto asset customers in 2023 will come from students.
“Crypto asset literacy this time was carried out among students and the solo comedy community in Surabaya. “The series of activities began with a solo comedy competition followed by crypto asset literacy which was presented in the form of a public lecture at Airlangga University (Unair) the following day,” said Bappebti Secretary Olvy Andrianita, in his statement, quoted Wednesday (22/5/2024).
He explained that crypto asset literacy activities in Surabaya are one of the agendas for Crypto Literacy Month (BLK) 2024. This activity is a collaboration between Bappebti and PT Pintu Kemana Saja (PINTU), Unair, and the solo comedy community Stand-Up Indo Surabaya.
“We appreciate the crypto asset literacy activities in Surabaya. It is hoped that this activity can broaden the knowledge of the younger generation so that they can quickly adapt to developments in technology and information. “Because strengthening the economy and trade will not be separated from technological developments, including crypto assets,” said Olvy.
Indonesian Crypto Transactions Reach IDR 211 Trillion by April 2024
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