New Delhi , Bollywood’s veteran actress Rekha, on the one hand, always won the hearts of the audience with her acting, on the other hand, her personal life was also very much discussed. Rekha’s love life is still on people’s lips and her name remains a part of stories along with Amitabh Bachchan. On the other hand, Rekha also never tried to hide her love, although very few people know about the actress’s relationship with her female secretary Farzana.
biography of rekha
In fact, Yasir Usman wrote Rekha’s biography ‘Rekha: The Untold Story’, in which it has been said that the actress is in a live-in relationship with Farzana. It has been told that Farzana is the only person who can go to Rekha’s bedroom. Even the rest of the house help are not allowed to enter Rekha’s bedroom. It is written in the book, ‘Farzana is the perfect partner for Rekha. He is her consultant, friend, supporter and Rekha cannot live without her.
Only Farzana is allowed to go to the bedroom
It is further written in the book, ‘It is also claimed that Farzana is Rekha’s lover and only she is allowed to enter the bedroom, whereas even the domestic workers cannot enter the bedroom. Farzana keeps a close watch on who comes and goes in Rekha’s house and life. Farzana is aware of Rekha’s every call and keeps track of her every minute. Not only this, a big claim has also been made in the book and it has been written that Rekha’s late husband Mukesh Aggarwal had committed suicide because of Farzana.
Mukesh had committed suicide
Mukesh was a businessman from Delhi. Mukesh committed suicide in 1990 when Rekha was in London. In his suicide note, Mukesh had written that no one is responsible for his death, not Rekha at all. After Mukesh’s death, Rekha was given various names. In the same book, it has been told how Subhash Ghai and Anupam Kher etc. had turned against Rekha after this incident.