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Tips for Safe Diving in the Extreme Sport of Cave Diving
Jakarta, – Extreme sports cave diving or diving in a cave requires careful preparation because of the high level of risk. Adi Haliem, a cave diving instructor, emphasizes the importance of divers having good diving skills before trying cave diving.
“This sport is different from ordinary diving. Cave diving considered a risky sport because it explores caves under the sea. Therefore, good preparation is very important before deciding to jump into the world cave diving,” said Adi when met in Jakarta, Sunday (16/7/2023).
A rigorous and adequate training process must be followed by divers before they can dive in the cave. This training involves diving in locations with limited access to the water surface and low light.
“This exercise is very important because divers who are in the cave cannot immediately rise to the surface of the water if something unexpected happens. If there is a problem, they have to return to their starting point. Sometimes the holes they enter are very narrow and dark,” Adi added.
HP Hartmann, cave diving instructor, emphasizes the importance of choosing the right diving clothing and equipment for cave diving activities. One of them is an air tank that has a lightweight management system, large air capacity, and high mobility.
“Air tanks placed parallel to the body (side mount) is becoming a popular choice. This makes propulsion easier in the water and provides more comfort when diving in caves,” explains Hartmann.
The side mount system is a new innovation in the world diving which allows the diver to carry two oxygen cylinders on the side of the body, not on the back as is commonly used. This system is perfect for traveler who like extreme activities such as cave diving and through cave gaps.
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Tips for Safe Diving in the Extreme Sport of Cave Diving
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