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Best practices for ad creatives » Portal Insights
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Anyone who surfs the internet a lot has certainly come across hundreds of paid media marketing campaigns and perhaps even clicked on some. From the outside, it appears that best practices for ad creatives are strictly followed by most professionals.

But not quite. There are millions of inefficient ads on the internet, and if you want to highlight your product or service, you need to know how to differentiate yourself from your competitors.

In the world of digital marketing, we call texts and images used during advertising on different channels creative. They can come in different formats, such as banners, videos, audios and are always associated with an advertiser.


Does it seem like something simple to put into practice? Prepare yourself: reality is much more challenging. This is because the digital environment welcomes the most varied types of consumers who have control over the content they view and, therefore, also manage whether (and how) they will see advertising directed at them.

While in traditional media, such as television, for example, the advertisement interrupts the program and the person sitting on the other side of the screen cannot do anything other than wait for the commercial to end or change the channel, on the web the reception of advertisements it's quite different.

When faced with an advertisement in the digital environment, the user has the option of closing the ad, moving on to the next post, searching for other advertising or consuming the exposed content.

That's why creatives must be created with the aim of catching the viewer's attention and stimulating their cognitive side, creating a memory or an emotional bond with that content.


Therefore, see below good practices for ad creatives that can attract more consumers and generate more conversions, thus increasing the results of your campaigns in relation to the amount invested.

4 practices for ad creatives

Overcoming the barrier of first contact and passing through the consumer filter is an extremely important step for those who generate creative advertisements.

To help you at this stage, we created a list of good practices on the subject, with the aim of improving advertising performance and ensuring a satisfactory result for brands.

Get the public's attention

People tend to consume content that is more attractive and arouses their curiosity. Because we are in a virtual environment, unable to touch, try on or do any type of testing, the user needs to “feel” the product through the images.


Betting on texts, especially long ones, is not a good idea. This is because the consumer takes around 15 seconds, according to some research, to decide whether to continue viewing that material or whether to change the page.

Expecting him to read the entire product description to assimilate the content – ​​and even evaluate whether he will buy or not – is unfeasible.

The digital medium is fast, dynamic and bombards the consumer all the time with images, colors and sounds. So, be creative, but fail to follow some basic rules for the success of your ad:

  • Use images that attract attention or arouse admiration;
  • Great advertisements contain small texts that stick in the audience's memory. So, have impactful phrases (see some models in this article) that sharpen that individual's most intimate needs;
  • Define your Unique Value Proposition (PUV) to differentiate your product from your competitor. It must contain 06 to 08 words, if it has numbers, odd ones are preferred;
  • Incorporate interactive tools into the content, such as simulators, quizzes and forms, among others.

But those who think that good practices for ad creatives only involve excellent and powerful texts are mistaken. It is necessary to ensure that the eyes of the person browsing focus on your campaign amidst so much information on the internet. Therefore, attention should be paid to shape as well.

Align creative with your brand’s visual identity

Visual identity is represented by a set of elements that visually symbolize a company, business or idea. It mainly consists of logo, symbol and typography.


Based on this definition, ad creatives must be linked to a brand, even if it is not visible in the advertisement. Identity must be introduced into the material in some way, whether through colors, gestures, attitudes, music or other elements.

Internalizing the brand's culture in advertisements takes time, but it is necessary to position it in the market so that it is quickly identified by people. To do this, you need:

  • Ensure that the visual identity is aligned with the brand manual;
  • Use variations of the IDV logo, graphics and pattern/brand manual;
  • Use vectors with colors in the context of the ad;
  • Propose background with effects, copy occupying useful area and effect on the text;
  • Use photos of people in situations in the context of the copy;
  • Demonstrate the product or service.

Also remember to leave a breathing area at the edges of each ad creative, focusing on the harmony of colors and aligned elements.

Have a Copywriting Strategy

Copywriting (or copy) is the strategy for producing persuasive texts that will catch the attention of your audience. The objective is to generate conversions through assertive and interesting communication, being appropriate for attraction strategies, such as Inbound Marketing.

Therefore, the main reason for copywriting is to encourage the customer to take some action, making them visit your blog, fill out a form or download some material. This way, when the text is necessary, it should not exceed 60 characters.


CTA cannot be missed

If you are making an advertisement in the virtual environment, it is because there is a need to publicize your information in order to sell your product or service, right?

To make this happen, create a creative CTA (Call to Action) button, with a different color from the rest of the art. The Call to Action must draw the attention of the visitor or customer so that they carry out a certain action proposed by the ad and get even closer to the purchasing decision.

As it is a call to action, always start with a verb, such as “Chat on Whatsapp” instead of “Contact via Whatsapp”. Direct speech is always more suitable, as it induces the person to do what is being proposed.

Maintaining best practices for ad creatives is one of the ways to succeed in sales conversions. To further enhance this possibility, it is very important to continue informing yourself and learning about this dynamic area that is digital marketing.


Do you want to learn how to use mental triggers to produce creative that is still persuasive? Read our practical guide.


Best practices for ad creatives » Portal Insights

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Best practices for ad creatives » Portal Insights


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Best practices for ad creatives » Portal Insights

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