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check out today’s forecast (04/18) for your sign – Cities on the Net
-Horoscope 2024: check today’s prediction for your sign, latest updates, discoveries and lots more. Enjoy your stay!!

Sign Image: aries

Aries (03/21 – 04/20)

With so many questions caused by Mercury Retrograde in your sign, changes will gain strength and become more urgent. Bet on your creative talents, find original solutions and start a new cycle in your life. New beginnings will be favored at this stage. Discover business opportunities and financial growth. Personal power on the rise!

Image of the Sign: Taurus

Taurus (04/21 – 05/20)

Cultivate serenity, invest in self-knowledge, finish a long cycle and enjoy loving moments with your family. Jupiter and Uranus in your sign will encourage a real revolution in your life plan. Invest in expansion plans and promote the desired changes in your career. You are very close to making your dreams come true and gaining greater autonomy. Join a new group!

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Sign Image: Gemini

Gemini (05/21 – 06/20)

Jupiter and Uranus will bring revelations, spiritual protection and a sense of freedom to decide the future and consolidate your career. The day will be full of news. Talk to siblings, meet friends and move around different environments. Deep feelings and amplified sensitivity will mark your presence in today's events. Express your love with generous gestures.

Sign Image: cancer

Cancer (06/21 – 07/22)

Agreements, purchases, renegotiations and investment decisions will progress positively. Resolve financial and professional matters with clarity and a vision for the future. Connections today will expand horizons and motivate greater career steps. Rethink goals, adjust plans, strengthen your reputation and prepare for a great achievement. The universe will conspire in your favor!

Image of the Sign: Leo

Leo (07/23 – 08/22)

Strong emotions, in tune with spirituality and decisions about the future will mark the day, which will bring news from far away and special connections. Jupiter and Uranus signal career innovations and expansion opportunities. Changes in the way you relate will favor love. Explore another culture, different environments and seek a better quality of life. Prestige on the rise!

Image of the Sign: virgin

Virgo (08/23- 09/22)

Start the day slowly, evaluate your dreams and strengthen yourself internally. Desires for change will become stronger. Thoughts will turn to existential and intimate issues with Mercury Retrograde, which will bring deep reflections on the paths to follow. A special trip will favor marriage and motivate new projects. Reshape the routine. Power on the rise!

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Sign Image: Libra

Libra (09/23 – 10/22)

Take on new challenges at work and expect excellent results. The morning period will bring motivating messages, affection from friends and recognition. Jupiter and Uranus herald positive changes, which will benefit health and daily organization. Also take the opportunity to overcome laziness, diversify activities, discipline your routine and invest in well-being and balance.

Image of the Sign: Scorpio

Scorpio (10/23 – 11/21)

Count on decision-making power, attitude and more security in relationships. You will be able to establish a partnership, implement wedding plans, support your children or plan a pregnancy. The moment also favors new projects. Solve practical issues, improve organization and strengthen your position at work. An unsatisfactory contract may be renegotiated. Success!

Sign Image: Sagittarius

Sagittarius (11/22 – 12/21)

Plan a trip as a couple or with your kids this morning. The day will start with excitement and optimism. A sudden work opportunity will combine the useful with the pleasant. Wait for motivating news and make an old dream come true. You will be able to reformulate your routine and make life more enjoyable with today's decisions and achievements. New directions and success ahead!

Image of the Sign: Capricorn

Capricorn (22/12 – 20/01)

Resolve doubts, think positive, start an authorial project and reveal your talents. The day will bring an important achievement that will move life in a more stimulating direction. Respect your perception, unleash your creativity and shine in work meetings and presentation of ideas. Family matters will also be on the menu of the day, resolve pending issues and gain freedom.

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Image of the Sign: Aquarius

Aquarius (01/21 – 02/19)

Tackle delicate issues with your partner, decide on investments and complete a real estate transaction or a family project that was in progress. You will be able to renegotiate a contract, sign agreements and promote the desired changes in your lifestyle and work. Renovate the house, raise comfort standards, end past processes and stabilize finances.

Image of the Sign: Pisces

Pisces (02/20 – 03/20)

A turning point in work and finances could happen suddenly. The day will bring great results in negotiations and the promise of material and emotional stability. Count on the support of siblings or partners to implement plans and put your life in order. Today's decisions will guarantee the success of projects and relief from pressure. More security ahead


Source: Metropolises

check out today’s forecast (04/18) for your sign – Cities on the Net

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check out today’s forecast (04/18) for your sign – Cities on the Net



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check out today’s forecast (04/18) for your sign – Cities on the Net


check out today’s forecast (04/18) for your sign – Cities on the Net

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