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check out today’s forecast (04/17) for your sign – Cities on the Net
-Horoscope 2024: check today’s prediction for your sign, latest updates, discoveries and lots more. Enjoy your stay!!

Sign Image: aries

Aries (03/21 – 04/20)

Shine, conquer new relationships and renew the social environment. The day will highlight your talents, beauty and vivacity. Creativity and enthusiasm for new beginnings will not be lacking and will mark their presence wherever you go. Look ahead and take advantage of a wave of positive energy to create projects and discover business and investment opportunities. Smell of passion in the air!

Image of the Sign: Taurus

Taurus (04/21 – 05/20)

Strong emotions, tenderness and beautiful memories will give an intense flavor to the day. Take the opportunity to meet loved ones, support your family and create a welcoming environment at home. Celebrate your recent achievements and strengthen self-esteem. This will be a great time to renew your image and establish friendships in a new group. Expansion ahead!

check out today’s forecast (03/21) for your sign – Cities on the Net
Sign Image: Gemini

Gemini (05/21 – 06/20)

Unite the team, motivate the team, clarify doubts and extract the best from each interaction today. Mercury retrograde will sharpen your observation in group activities. Identify errors, propose solutions and discover new ways to contribute. Take advantage of the day to catch up with friends and strengthen your network with new friendships.

Sign Image: cancer

Cancer (06/21 – 07/22)

Connections today will open doors in your career. You will be able to receive an attractive proposal, take on new challenges and increase your professional prestige. Take advantage of Mercury Retrograde to develop new goals and contracts. Friendships in a group and development plans will paint a positive scenario for the future. Plan your finances and plan a trip.

Image of the Sign: Leo

Leo (07/23 – 08/22)

Embark on new experiences and add a flavor of adventure to life. With good planning, dreams can come true. Decide on changes with more confidence and invest in your future. The day will bring connections with loved ones from abroad and opportunities for professional expansion. Expect good news, invitations and greater exposure. Get the documentation right. Success ahead!

Image of the Sign: virgin

Virgo (08/23- 09/22)

The day will be unproductive at work. Take the opportunity to strengthen yourself internally, evaluate expectations and think about the changes you want. Horizons will be broader. Contacts with outsiders or authorities will lift your spirits with good news. If you are looking for love, involvement could begin with a trip or a course. Formalize a partnership.

check out today’s forecast (06/08) for your sign – Cities on the Net
Sign Image: Libra

Libra (09/23 – 10/22)

A caring atmosphere in today's meetings and interactions will give a feeling of protection. Go deeper into conversations with friends and gather strength. Design work strategies, make decisions and drive a new project. The day will bring good results in everything you do. Strengthen your health with healthy habits and regular physical activity. Weddings and associations on the rise!

Image of the Sign: Scorpio

Scorpio (10/23 – 11/21)

Innovate, launch projects, expand partnerships and open a new path for the future. The day will bring success in endeavors and motivation. You are ready to strengthen your position at work and implement your plans. Associations, marriage or dating will gain a greater dose of confidence. Improve your organization and speed up results. Love and popularity on the rise!

Sign Image: Sagittarius

Sagittarius (11/22 – 12/21)

Conversations with loved ones from abroad, travel invitations, participation in an event or approval of a project will liven up the mood. Celebrate an achievement and enjoy the good things in life in great company. Many planets in harmony with your sign highlight your talents and personal power. Resume plans that were paused, find your place and reinvent your life!

Image of the Sign: Capricorn

Capricorn (22/12 – 20/01)

Gather the family, arrange documents and resolve pending issues. Old stories and revealing conversations will surprise you. Discover secrets and mysteries linked to its origins, better understand the past and end old processes. Reunions and financial agreements will also move the day forward. Approve a budget and launch an authorial project. Creativity on the rise!

“In a mutual and friendly way” – Cidades na Net
Image of the Sign: Aquarius

Aquarius (01/21 – 02/19)

Prepare your heart for delicious surprises. The day will bring family news and success in financial negotiations. Assets may increase. Build firm foundations for the future. Love will inspire investments in more comfort and security. With Pluto in your sign, a lot can change. Transform old patterns and think differently. Restructuring ahead!

Image of the Sign: Pisces

Pisces (02/20 – 03/20)

Several planets transiting your money area will move business and attract opportunities for financial growth. Take advantage of this phase with Mercury Retrograde to rethink investments, manage your resources clearly and renegotiate contracts. Expect good results at work today. Even if responses are delayed, they will be positive. Success!


Source: Metropolises

check out today’s forecast (04/17) for your sign – Cities on the Net

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check out today’s forecast (04/17) for your sign – Cities on the Net



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check out today’s forecast (04/17) for your sign – Cities on the Net

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check out today’s forecast (04/17) for your sign – Cities on the Net

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