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check out today’s forecast (04/20) for your sign – Cities on the Net
-Horoscope 2024: check today’s prediction for your sign, latest updates, discoveries and lots more. Enjoy your stay!!

Sign Image: Aries

Aries (03/21 – 04/20)

Small pleasures and health care will bring well-being this Saturday, which will require pauses to rethink goals and choices. There will be no time to waste energy, the body will ask for rest and respect for limits. Labor matters are being processed today. Changes will bring better financial results. Follow your intuition and discover opportunities.

Image of the Sign: Taurus

Taurus (04/21 – 05/20)

Do your thing, enjoy the moment and avoid social engagements with scheduled appointments. Saturday will be a great time to enjoy your children and discover different pleasures. With the Sun in your sign, paths to greater personal fulfillment will be illuminated. Bet on a new beginning in love and don't feed repetitive thoughts. Conquering power on the rise!

Sign Image: Gemini

Gemini (05/21 – 06/20)

Relax, breathe new air, postpone worries about the future and enjoy loving moments with your family or the peace of mind at home. Saturday will be a great time to recharge your batteries, tune in to your inner strength, and seek greater well-being and self-knowledge. Take advantage of this phase before your birthday to take stock of recent times and finish a long cycle.

Sign Image: cancer

Cancer (06/21 – 07/22)

Walk, discover new things, explore a new environment, expand friendships and focus on greater social openness. Plans for the future and professional goals may change with Mercury Retrograde. Reflect on ways forward. Friends will give you course tips. Study another language or technological tool. International connections will be open.

Image of the Sign: Leo

Leo (07/23 – 08/22)

Plan future investments, schedule purchases and clear up confusion in accounts. Financial matters will be in the spotlight this Saturday. Travel plans will be rethought with Mercury Retrograde, which will also require a review of philosophies and legal arrangements. The Sun will illuminate paths to greater professional fulfillment. Make changes. New directions ahead!

Image of the Sign: virgin

Virgo (08/23- 09/22)

Traveling for work or international connections will keep your spirits high. Break the routine and relieve pressure. A proposal from afar will speak to the heart. Raise your self-esteem and broaden your horizons. The phase will also be positive in matters of Justice and formalizations. Take advantage of this Saturday to take care of yourself with affection and take initiatives in relationships. Strengthen your faith!

Sign Image: Libra

Libra (09/23 – 10/22)

Nothing better than sleeping more, giving in to laziness and taking advantage of Saturday to visualize the changes you want. Health and body care will be a priority in this phase of seeking greater well-being and balance. Increase your tune with your inner strength and prepare yourself for new achievements at work and in your personal life. Choices will be more careful.

Image of the Sign: Scorpio

Scorpio (10/23 – 11/21)

Affectionate meetings, thought-provoking conversations and new focuses of interest will mark this Saturday, which will be a great place to gather friends and discuss work ideas. The Sun will illuminate relationships. Associations will gain momentum. Earn the trust of partners and deepen bonds. End past processes and increase your security in relationships.

Sign Image: Sagittarius

Sagittarius (11/22 – 12/21)

Decide to change and invest in a promising future. An old dream will soon come true. Plan the next steps in your career and take on more leadership. You can choose a different job and reinvent your life. Resume activities, give a new version to an old project and make everyday life more enjoyable. Unusual habits, training or playing sports will benefit your health.

Image of the Sign: Capricorn

Capricorn (22/12 – 20/01)

Increase exposure, reveal your talents and shine publicly. Saturday will bring new motivations and enthusiasm with an authorial project. Develop ideas and innovate professional performance. Family matters and document settlement will require patience and attention to detail with Mercury Retrograde. Travel for two and different pleasures will intensify love

Image of the Sign: Aquarius

Aquarius (01/21 – 02/19)

Deep feelings will involve family matters, meetings and interactions. Face delicate conversations and make agreements. Saturday will have an intimate atmosphere. Maintain privacy and take advantage of quiet moments to think about the changes you want, develop ideas and analyze details of a contract. Close the past. Stability and comfort ahead!

Image of the Sign: Pisces

Pisces (02/20 – 03/20)

Affection, good humor, motivating conversations and a romantic atmosphere will intensify marriage or dating. Find the right words to resolve financial issues that negatively interfere with your intimate relationship. Saturday will bring better understanding in relationships. Communications will be open. Expand contacts, sign agreements and gain more mobility.


Source: Metropolises

check out today’s forecast (04/20) for your sign – Cities on the Net

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check out today’s forecast (04/20) for your sign – Cities on the Net



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check out today’s forecast (04/20) for your sign – Cities on the Net


check out today’s forecast (04/20) for your sign – Cities on the Net

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