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Falling in love with the right person – Are you more artichoke heart or stone heart? To fall in love easily or on the contrary your heart has trouble opening up? We always say that love cannot be controlled, that it falls on us without us being able to foresee it or decide it. But don’t confuse a little crush with true love. Don’t get carried away with each new encounter allows you to have your heart and mind free for the right person. 

How to recognize it correctly? How do we know that we have fallen in love with the one made for us? If you can’t anticipate everything in love, there are signs that allow you to see if a relationship is doomed to failure or to success. Are you having feelings and wondering if you can let go? Falling in love with the right person is a multitude of sensations and emotions. Here are the 10 main signs.

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Falling in love with the right person: the 10 signs

To find out if you have fallen in love with the right person, all you have to do is take your feelings into account, observe your partner’s behaviour and analyse your relationship. The mix of all this, the balance between the two of you, your feelings and your way of building your story will allow you to know if this person can be your soul mate , your great love , the person made for you.

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Falling In Love With The Right Person

#1 He is the person who occupies all your thoughts

The first person you think of when you wake up and the last person you think of before falling asleep. Quite simply. The right person is the one you have in your heart and in your head, who is an extension of yourself. And it is to him or her that you first talk to each other about everything that happens to you when you are not together.

#2 Moments together are moments of happiness

Your partner has the gift of putting a smile on your face for the day. You burn with impatience to find him again, that’s what fills you with joy. Spending time together is one of the most important things for you, otherwise the lack is too heavy and you feel like your day lacks flavor.


#3 His happiness is as important as yours

When you’re in love with the right person, you do everything to make them happy. True love knows no boundaries between its happiness and yours, the goal is to be happy together. You want his happiness as much as your own in your relationship but also outside, you care about his well-being.

 #4 You plan for the long term

When you’re in love with the right person, it’s hard to imagine their future without them by your side. This is exactly how you feel. With her or him, you finally plan the future together, you are no longer afraid to commit or plan, everything seems easier or clearer to you. You want to make long-term couple plans .

#5 You are not afraid to be yourself around him

Very important thing: at his side, you are yourself, naturally, without doing too much or not enough, without playing a role, without frills. With your strengths and weaknesses, your flaws, your past, your desires, your fears, your hopes. In short, you feel that you don’t have to be afraid to show your true colours. No fear of offending, being yourself or disappointing. You feel respect and complicity between you, you are confident.

Signs your partner is right for you

#6 Thanks to her/him, you feel good

The right person will give you self-confidence. She will reassure you, encourage you, simply love you for who you are. In his presence, in addition to being yourself, you are also comfortable in your own skin, at ease. This story fills you because you feel on the same wavelength. At the same time good in your skin alone while being good at his side. The love chemistry operates between you two. Your partner makes your life sweeter and more beautiful.


#7 He or she admires you

Your partner admires you, respects you, and is proud of what you do and who you are. It is very important in a romantic relationship to be proud of the person who shares your life because love needs that to intensify. To shine in the eyes of the other, it is important for oneself but also for the other. It’s a bit like the idea of ​​the couple goal but in the positive sense, that is to say that the couple encourages each other for both personal and collective goals. The couple is a duo, a pair and a team all at once.

#8 He makes you dream

If your partner admires you, you are not left out. On your side, without falling into an unhealthy fascination, we can say that the other makes you dream. Physically, emotionally, mentally, you adore all that she/he is. As a result, you feel both love, desire, pride, admiration. To fall in love with the right person is to experience complete love for the other. You really have the feeling of having found the person who ticks all your criteria, who meets all your desires, your expectations, your needs, your hopes.

Falling In Love With The Right Person: Signs Your Relationship Is Unique

#9 This meeting is not like the others

Ever since you met, maybe even since you met, you have the feeling that everything is different. Something new is happening in your heart, your head, your life. But the best part is that you know it’s mutual. This person, the right person for you, is unlike any other. You feel everything stronger in contact with it. Everything becomes clear. This budding relationship is obvious to you.

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#10 A natural balance

Your fundamental values ​​are the same, your principles and visions of life as well. You share the same desires, same dreams, same projects on a common rhythm. Things naturally balance out, each wanting the best for the other. It is about authenticity, sincerity, reciprocity between you. Trust, respect without asking lots of questions, without having to complicate your life to put a name on your relationship. You are simply a couple.



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Falling In Love With The Right Person

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