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How to generate more conversions with WhatsApp marketing
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NEW FUNCTIONALITY: increase your sales using WhatsApp sends.  Available in Dinamize Automation.

If you want to increase your brand's sales and retain customers, you need to understand how to do it WhatsApp marketing the right way as soon as possible. Let’s learn more about WhatsApp marketing and how it can be explored according to your needs?

Let's talk about:

What is WhatsApp marketing

Using the most beloved app in Brazil to talk to that group of friends that are far away everyone uses, but what does it mean to do WhatsApp marketing?

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In short, this is the using WhatsApp as a communication channel with leads and customers interested in your brand.

If people are on WhatsApp, whether in their free time or making purchases, your company needs to be there too!

How to explore WhatsApp to capture leads

Did you know that you can use WhatsApp as a lead capture point on your website or as a complement after registering on landing pages?

WhatsApp button

Inserting a simple WhatsApp button on your website makes it easier to capture data such as email and telephone to create recurring communication with the public – in addition to directing visitors to real-time interaction.


NEW FUNCTIONALITY: increase your sales using WhatsApp sends.  Available in Dinamize Automation.

After registering, the user is directed to a conversation in the app! The best part is that, by using this feature on Dinamize's marketing automation platform, you can also ensure that new leads are included in future communications, sent to your CRM for follow-up, and much more!

TUTORIAL: how to add a WhatsApp button on the website using Dinamize Automation

Conversation direction after registration

Forms added to landing pages or other types of pages can also be used to direct contacts to an interaction on WhatsApp.

This type of targeting can be useful for streamline customer service (after-sales, information about the purchased product and others) or even for ask questions that the general public may have about your service.


How to promote products and services using WhatsApp marketing

Do you already capture qualified leads and want to explore WhatsApp in the right way to get an even more incredible return on investment in marketing?

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Check out some tips to learn how to get started impact leads and customers through WhatsApp!

Create a WhatsApp Business account

If you don't already have a WhatsApp Business profile, stop everything and let's do that. After all, this tool has several features that will facilitate your communication with those interested in your company's services, such as:

  • creation of automatic messages;
  • broadcast list to send news;
  • registration of data such as opening hours, website and others.

The type of product used varies according to the interactions carried out by your brand, size of the customer base and communication format:

WhatsApp Business platform, recommended for medium and large companies that communicate with a large number of customers;  WhatsApp Business application, recommended for small businesses that directly manage conversations with customers.

Available on the WhatsApp Business product page


Integration with WhatsApp Business API

With this connection, you will be able to create several message templates for sending via WhatsApp It is authenticate your company as trustworthy – which is essential for success in marketing and sales actions.

Message authentication sent by Meta service

After authenticating, all messages sent using the Meta service are highlighted, which gives more confidence to those who receive your contact.

TUTORIAL: how to configure WhatsApp Business on Dinamize

Offer the right content (at the right time)

Just like with paid media, email marketing or any other channel, you need to create the right messages if you hope to get a good return. When it comes to WhatsApp marketing, the rule is the same.


Therefore, understanding the audience with whom you intend to communicate is essential. When creating contact segments, you need to know details such as:

  • What are the interests of each person who is at its base
  • Which products these people visited the website
  • They already bought any product?
  • What was this product, How long ago was this purchase made??
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Knowing the interests of each person who is in contact with your company, whether on Ecommerce or social media, it becomes easier to create WhatsApp messages that generate new sales.

Think (a lot) about the structure of the message

Whether it's an action for your broadcast list or for a specific audience on the marketing platform you use, think carefully about the format of the message sent.

If you use the Meta message templatesyou have several incredible alternatives to personalize the messages sent to take the public to your Ecommerce, recover sales and much more.

Models for re-engagement and cart abandonment actions via WhatsApp

Know WHEN to use WhatsApp with a focus on sales

While email is essential for nurturing leads and moving them along the purchasing journey, email WhatsApp can be used as an alternative when these leads are already at the bottom of the funnelthat is, more willing to buy.


Directing funding for a large number of WhatsApp blasts to people who aren't yet ready to buy could just be wasted money. Therefore, the ideal is combine WhatsApp with lower-cost channels like email marketing to understand who are the people most prepared to buy.

WhatsApp in marketing automation

Marketing automation is an essential tool for building segmented communication according to each person’s interests.

Recovery of abandoned carts via WhatsApp

See the example below with a automation flow which starts with a welcome email and goes through several stages analyzing lead behavior and using channels like WhatsApp to stimulate sales at the end of the journey.

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Nutrition flow for new contacts that starts with the welcome email and goes through actions such as sending products of interest by email, SMS and WhatsApp from an abandoned cart at the end of the journey.

Buyback via WhatsApp

Struggling to ensure your customers buy again? Using repurchase automations, you can offer products at the right time to the public!


Knowing information like date of last purchase and products purchasedjust create a clear message to encourage new purchases.

This action can also be created on a one-off basis, as long as it has data that helps create segmented WhatsApp sends.

TUTORIAL: updating the date of the last purchase on Dinamize with lead tracking

Upsell & Cross sell

Including actions focused on Upsell and Cross sell can be an excellent way to continue engaging your customers and generating more revenue.


Take a look at the following examples considering the fashion segment:

Examples of messages focusing on Cross Sell and Upsell via WhatsApp

Birthday campaigns for + engaged contacts

Investing in birthday campaigns is always a good idea to engage leads and customers, but how about a even greater targeting to generate conversions on WhatsApp?

At Dinamize, you can create use your audience's birthday to create unique campaigns. To make these actions even more segmented, you can use our contact temperature feature and send WhatsApp only to the hottest leads.

Watch the training below to understand how the feature works:


Sell ​​+ via WhatsApp using a complete marketing platform!

Do you want to explore WhatsApp marketing practices the right way? Then, Dinamize has the right solution for you!

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Using our marketing automation platform, you have several resources to:

  • Capture qualified leads on the website or on social networks (via integration with Facebook Lead Ads, for example);
  • Engage the public exploring email marketing sends;
  • Increase traffic in your Ecommerce;
  • Identify sales opportunities;
  • Turn leads into customers through WhatsApp sending and emails segmented by interest.

Furthermore, Dinamize is connected with the main Ecommerce platforms on the market, with CRM solutions and others. Check out all the platforms integrated with Dinamize!

So, let's request your free trial account?


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How to generate more conversions with WhatsApp marketing

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How to generate more conversions with WhatsApp marketing


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How to generate more conversions with WhatsApp marketing

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