Let us inform that earlier the singer had got bail but he was not appearing in the court for the last several dates. It may be known that Mrityunjay Nath Pandey, a resident of Ashani village of Rasulpur police station area, lodged an FIR on August 16, 2019 at Rasulpur police station. In this, it was said that Khesari Lal’s wife Chanda Devi was talked to for Rs 22 lakh seven thousand to sell the land.
Check bounce issue
After which the registry was also done on June 4, 2019. Mrityunjay said that Khesari had given a check of Rs 18 lakh in lieu of Rs, which he deposited in his account on June 20, 2019. The check returned on 24 June. When deposited again on June 27, the check bounced. After this the case was registered. It is being said that Khesari Lal Yadav may be arrested any time, he may also have to go to jail. Earlier in the year 2022 also, a non-bailable warrant was issued against Khesari Lal.