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menstrual apps – Many American women are deleting their menstrual apps. Now that the national right to abortion has been abolished, they are afraid that private data from the apps could serve as criminal evidence.

Menstrual apps are apps that allow women to track their cycle. This gives them a better insight into when they are fertile or need to have their period. Often it is also possible to keep track of symptoms. This gives women better insight into the relationship between their cycle and certain complaints.

Now that the United States Supreme Court has abolished the nationwide right to abortion, many women are removing menstrual apps. Because of the verdict, states can now decide for themselves whether to allow abortion or not. About twenty states would consider an abortion ban.

Evidence in court cases

The women fear that the menstrual apps could be used as evidence in court cases. These apps collect a lot of personal data, such as location data. They can also reveal, for example, when someone is pregnant, or has been pregnant.

Experts distrustful about app for European digital identity

For example, the menstrual app Flo has been under a magnifying glass at the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) for some time. The Wall Street Journal revealed in 2019 that the app had resold data from women who wanted to get pregnant to Facebook. That platform could then show them more targeted advertisements.

Right to request data

According to several American privacy experts, the women’s fears are not unfounded. Prosecutors in the United States have the right to request this type of data. They could turn to tech companies to find out the data. This way, they can gather evidence if they suspect that someone has had an abortion.

“We expect tech companies to get subpoenas for people’s search history,” Dana Sussman of nonprofit The National Advocates for Pregnant Women told CNBC.

Apps adjust policies (menstrual apps)

Several makers of menstrual apps have announced since the supreme court ruling that they will take extra measures in the field of privacy. It mainly concerns the anonymization of personal data.


For example, Flo immediately said on Friday that he would realize a special anonymous mode within the app. According to the company, in that mode, data cannot be traced back to the user, so U.S. states cannot request the information.

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However, several experts doubt whether it is possible to completely anonymize all data. Meanwhile, women are calling on each other on social media to remove the apps as much as possible. It is estimated that millions of American women use it.

Many American women delete menstrual apps after abortion decision


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