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Nabilla Benattia mother moved – The former reality TV contestant has become a mother for the 2nd time of a little boy named Leyann. On June 7, 2022, Nabilla Benattia exclaimed for the first time on video since giving birth, on her Snapchat account.

On June 5, 2022, Nabilla Benattia and Thomas Vergara welcomed their second child. A little boy named Leyann. Drunk with happiness, the beautiful brunette aged 30 spoke for the first time on the subject in video, on her Snapchat account.

It is an emotional Nabilla that Internet users were able to find on June 7. Although she is still in the hospital, she wanted to give her news to her followers to share her joy of having her little wonder by her side. “As you have understood, little Leyann is among us. He is a little boy who is beautiful, who weighs 3,650 kilos, who has brown hair, who is too handsome.

I’m too happy. Sorry, I’m a little moved, tired. I haven’t talked too much lately, I’ve really enjoyed it. I don’t even have the words, I didn’t think I’d live these moments one day because it was too beautiful. I’m more than happy,” the businesswoman first confided.

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Nabilla Benattia mother moved

Nabilla Benattia then assured that Leyann was “in very good health” and that they should return home the same evening or wednesday, June 8. In any case, she was very eager since she missed her eldest son, Milann (2 years old). “We can’t wait to see Milann again. He is a little sick, we will have to be careful.

But we can’t wait to be all four of us. We miss Milann, we do FaceTime with him two or three times a day. But I need to have my two sons with me. I think the hardest thing about motherhood is that there is a child who is not with us,” she said.

There is no doubt that the reunion will be all the better. In the meantime, she is making the most of her baby. “Thomas is a chicken dad who takes his baby every two seconds, he doesn’t let me enjoy it,” she laughed.

For his part, Thomas also took the floor yesterday to give their news. He said Leyann looked a lot like Milann. “Thank you all for your messages. Everything went well. She is punctured Nabilla. It’s true that caesarean section is a heavy operation,” he continued.

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Nabilla Benattia


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