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Sowan to Gus Miftah Islamic Boarding School, Zulkifli Hasan Distributes Compensation for Children’s Education

– General Chairman of the National Mandate Party (PAN) who is currently the Minister of Trade (Mendag) Zulkifli Hasan visited Ora Aji Islamic Boarding School, owned by Miftah Maulana Habiburrohman alias Gus Miftah in Sleman, Yogyakarta, Saturday (20/5/2023) evening. On that occasion, the man who is usually called Zulhas provided compensation for the education of children who do not have enough money to continue their education.

Zulhas did this when he attended the Mujahadah Dzikrul Ghofilin routine recitation program around the Ora Aji Islamic Boarding School. The recitation, which is usually held every Sunday night, is attended by thousands of congregations who are local residents outside Java.


“If someone has difficulty going to school, I will give Rp. 1 million for one child. I am ready to give this to 250 children,” said Zulhas to applause from the congregation and Gus Miftah.

Zulhas was invited by Gus Miftah to join the recitation after arriving and having dinner at the young and eccentric kiai’s house. Zulhas’ presence was greeted enthusiastically by thousands of congregations, which were dominated by mothers. Many invited Zulhas to shake hands and take selfies.

At that time, Zulhas was accompanied by a number of PAN politicians, including Deputy Chairperson of Commission III DPR RI Prince Khairul Saleh, General Treasurer of the PAN DPP Totok Daryanto, Chair of the Yogyakarta PAN DPW Suharwanta, Member of the Sleman Regency DPRD Raudi Akmal and former Sleman Regent Sri Purnomo.

Before Zulhas gave his speech, Gus Miftah invited the congregation and students to learn from Zulhas’ life journey to achieve the success he is today.


“Let’s try today to learn from Mr. Zulkifli Hasan, I call him Papih because I am close to him. What position has he tried to reach? Minister of Forestry, Chair of the MPR, Deputy Chair of the MPR, now Minister of Trade,” said Gus Miftah while interspersed special jokes.

According to Gus Miftah, the journey of life and success achieved by Trade Minister Zulhas deserves to be an example and an example. “There is no delicacy after hard work. So when we see someone we consider successful. Actually, what we have to see is not his current position, what he has, what he already has, what he is like, for me that is no longer interesting. But what needs to be seen? The process,” said Gus Miftah.

“So remember, what is the knowledge to become a successful person? 3N, niteni, nirokke, add or ATM, observe, imitate, modify. So I want to invite him to share this story, his habits to become a wasilah to this day,” he added. .

Zulhas then complied with Gus Miftah’s request. He briefly told the story of his life, where he received a lot of prayers and good provisions from his parents.


“Actually, I’m no better than my friends here, no better than the ladies and gentlemen who are here. I’m an ordinary person from the village, from the hamlet, but maybe my mother’s prayers,” said Zulhas.

“People can be smart, but if they are mentally weak it will be difficult to progress. Because getting up early for children is a very difficult problem, the most severe training. So if our children are able to get up at 4 in the morning and get used to it, let alone other questions , so be educated,” he continued.

Zulhas also revealed an important message from his father which continues to inspire him.

“So at dawn my father always said, ‘son, dad can be difficult but you don’t want to be like dad later. Dad will fight as hard as he can so that you are more useful, even more powerful, even more advanced than you are now’. So continue coaching,” said Zulhas.


Zulhas also provides motivation to parents and children to stay enthusiastic, study hard, and always compete in goodness and achievement. Zulhas even spends money alias provides educational funding assistance for children who have difficulty paying for education.

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Sowan to Gus Miftah Islamic Boarding School, Zulkifli Hasan Distributes Compensation for Children’s Education

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