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Anthony Ginting and 26 Athletes with Achievements Officially Become Civil Servants
– Indonesian men’s singles badminton players, Anthony Ginting and Jonatan Christie alias Jojo officially hold the status of civil servants, alias civil servants.
Anthony Ginting and Jojo are part of the 27 athletes who officially become civil servants from the Athletes with Achievement formation.
The taking of oaths and promises took place at the Wisma Auditorium of the Ministry of Youth and Sports (Kemenpora), Senayan, Central Jakarta, Wednesday (5/7/2023) evening.
The SK was handed over directly by the Minister of Youth and Sports (Menpora) of the Republic of Indonesia, Dito Ariotedjo, as stated in the press release from the Ministry of Youth and Sports.
These outstanding athletes will later become civil servants within the Kemenpora. Like civil servants, they will get a salary according to their class and retire according to the applicable regulations.
From the official PBSI account, it was stated that that night the athletes and former athletes who were candidates for civil servants (CPNS) took an oath and promised to become civil servants.
It was stated that those who were appointed besides Ginting and Jojo included Gregoria Mariska Tunjung, Fajar Alfian, Muhammad Rian Ardianto, Apriyani Rahayu, Angga Pratama, Debby Susanto, Edi Subaktiar, Fitriani, Ihsan Maulana Mustofa, and Ni Ketut Mahadewi Istarani.
The joy of receiving civil servant status was conveyed by Anthony Sinisuka Ginting and Felda Elvira Santoso, wushu athletes representing 27 other athletes.
Ginting, who is currently ranked 2nd in the world, revealed that what the outstanding athletes received that night was a concrete manifestation of the government’s attention.
“Certainly grateful today to be officially sworn in as civil servants,” said Ginting.
Ginting added that the government’s concern with appointing athletes as civil servants is a form of concern for the fate of athletes after retiring or when they are not performing well.
On the same occasion, Felda expressed her pleasure. “Yes, I am happy because I received appreciation from the government. As an athlete, I am also more enthusiastic because there is appreciation from the government,” he said.
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Anthony Ginting and 26 Athletes with Achievements Officially Become Civil Servants
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