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check out today’s forecast (04/05) for your sign – Cities on the Net
-Horoscope 2024: check today’s prediction for your sign, latest updates, discoveries and lots more. Enjoy your stay!!

Sign Image: Aries

Aries (03/21 – 04/20)

Sleep more, dream big and take advantage of this Saturday to organize ideas and plans. The best solutions will come and moments of relaxation. Meditate, contemplate nature and balance your energies. Joining a new group will bring new motivations and discoveries. With Pluto retrograde, old friendships may reappear with demands or proposals.

Image of the Sign: Taurus

Taurus (04/21 – 05/20)

Let life flow and receive gifts from the universe. Today's meetings and interactions will be seasoned with affection and a lot of emotion. Empathy and alignment with your group herald a delicious and invigorating Saturday. Retrograde Pluto will bring deep reflections on paths to follow, vocation and career. Evaluate your desires and think about changes calmly.

check out today’s forecast (03/04) for your sign – Cities on the Net
Sign Image: Gemini

Gemini (05/21 – 06/20)

The future will seem more attractive with new friendships, professional recognition, popularity and career consolidation. The week will end with successful endeavors, peace of mind and lively conversations. Take advantage of the end of the day to travel with friends and enjoy adventures. Cultural programs will also be great options to clear your head and relax.

Sign Image: cancer

Cancer (06/21 – 07/22)

Take on new challenges, reveal your power and make decisions about the future. Take advantage of this Saturday to build trusting relationships, expand friendships and establish your reputation. Wise choices will guarantee great results in your career and personal life. Count on more security in relationships, strengthen your position in a group and create a motivating environment around you.

Image of the Sign: Leo

Leo (07/23 – 08/22)

Embark on new experiences and adventures this Saturday. A trip back to a beautiful place and new connections will make your heart happy. Also take the opportunity to plan the changes you want and invest in career development. Innovation will be the key to success at this stage. Implement a calmer lifestyle and enjoy the good things in life!

Image of the Sign: virgin

Virgo (08/23- 09/22)

Rock your work and end the week with greater prestige and power. Good news from afar and special invitations will awaken dreams. The paths of the heart will be open. Embark on a romantic atmosphere in love and enjoy delicious moments. There will be no shortage of affection and enchantment today. The day will bring pleasant surprises, optimism and confidence in relationships. Changes in sight!

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Sign Image: Libra

Libra (09/23 – 10/22)

Start a new relationship and implement a more enjoyable lifestyle. Retrograde Pluto will ask for less complication and a little humility to learn from references and improve yourself. Exchanging confidences will deepen a special relationship. Win hearts with affectionate gestures and create bonds. Everything will flow positively, eliminate a pending issue.

Image of the Sign: Scorpio

Scorpio (10/23 – 11/21)

Saturday will be special in love. Resolve matters of the heart and intensify your intimate life with more tenderness and different pleasures. Partnerships and activities will also gain your attention. Unleash your creativity and find original solutions to make an authorial project viable. It will be worth containing excesses, moving your body and focusing on a healthy diet to maintain vitality.

Sign Image: Sagittarius

Sagittarius (11/22 – 12/21)

Take advantage of the day to clean up your messes, pay attention to your family and enjoy loving moments, filled with lots of emotion. Beautiful memories and old stories will touch the heart. From the end of the afternoon, the atmosphere will be lively with several delicious and inspiring programs. Check out the news, date and discover different pleasures. Creativity on the rise!

Image of the Sign: Capricorn

Capricorn (22/12 – 20/01)

Saturday will be a great time to get around, stay up to date with news and trends, research information and discover new things. Enjoy fun programs and enrich your projects with new ideas. It will also be worth discussing business and financial matters with the family and clarifying doubts. Investments may change at this stage. Love on the rise!

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Image of the Sign: Aquarius

Aquarius (01/21 – 02/19)

Schedule payments, settle bills, stock the house and make good purchases this morning. From the afternoon onwards, communications will be accelerated. Catch up with loved ones, check out new releases and discover delicious places. Pluto retrograde in your sign will ask you to review plans and reflect on courses, contracts and changes in your life project.

Image of the Sign: Pisces

Pisces (02/20 – 03/20)

Pleasant conversations, self-esteem and attractive news will add flavor to Saturday. Wait for an achievement in the financial area, you may discover a business opportunity or make wise decisions that will keep the budget balanced, even with increased expenses. Avoid impulse spending and organize your bills. Sweet words will intensify love


Source: Metropolises

check out today’s forecast (04/05) for your sign – Cities on the Net

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check out today’s forecast (04/05) for your sign – Cities on the Net



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check out today’s forecast (04/05) for your sign – Cities on the Net

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check out today’s forecast (04/05) for your sign – Cities on the Net

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