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Complete strategy with practical checklist » Portal Insights
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Search for “digital marketing for e-commerce” on Google and you will quickly realize that, although there are many companies talking about the subject, no one has managed to organize in a practical way all the actions necessary to be successful with this type of business – or in minimum, significantly increase the chances of success.

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Today, my goal is to change that.

Complete Digital Marketing Checklist for E-commerce

In this text, I will share a complete checklist with the necessary actions that you need to apply in your e-commerce or online store. The actions are already organized in order of importance.


But before you start, three very important considerations

Firstly, it is important to understand that the bigger your competition, the greater your need to think outside the box.

The objective of this manual is to show what is essential, but just applying what is essential may not be enough in super competitive markets – if this is your case, I also recommend reading this text on how to apply growth in practice.

Secondly, you will notice that I will focus much more on “what” to do than on “how to do it”. This is because there are already many tutorials on how to do each of the actions listed and it would be redundant to just repeat them here.

To learn how to do any of the steps on the checklist, a quick Google search will bring up much more complete results than I could detail here.


Anyway, I will insert tutorial links to make your navigation easier.

How to calculate the ROI (Return on Investment) of ads

Now, let’s move on to the complete digital marketing strategy for ecommerces and virtual stores.

1. Benchmark – competition and market analysis

2. Ecommerce Development (if you don't already have one)

3. Setup and account configurations for analysis and performance

  • Create and install Google Analytics on the website
  • Create and Install Google Tag Manager on your website
  • Create Google Ads account
  • Create Facebook Ads account
  • Install the Facebook Pixel on the Website –
  • Create and configure Google Merchant Center
  • Link Merchant Center account with Google Ads account
  • Carry out CRO and SEO diagnosis on the website
  • Activate offline conversions to measure sales at POS and/or WhatsApp
  • Create a calendar and add seasonal campaigns that make sense to the client to the agenda (20 days in advance) e.g.: Mother's Day, Valentine's Day, Black Friday, etc.)

4. Paid traffic campaigns (ads)

  • Facebook – Carousel Campaigns for website categories for cold audiences and remarketing
  • Facebook – Carousel Campaigns for single products (best-selling products, ABC curve)
  • Facebook – Catalog campaigns for all products on the website (Cold Public and Remarketing).
  • Google – Highest performing campaigns for all products on the site
  • Google – Institutional Search Campaigns
  • Google – DSA Search Campaigns (dynamic) for all products on the site.
  • Seasonal Campaigns
The Best Digital Marketing Franchises to Invest in

5. SEO Optimization

6. Optimization for higher sales conversion (CRO)

  • Configure Free Shipping or Free Shipping Over X Amount
  • Configure Fixed Shipping Region A, B and C
  • Configure Gifts on purchases over X Value
  • Configure Progressive Discount (e.g. above x is 5%, above y is 10x, above z is 20%)
  • Set up discount coupon for your first purchase
  • Configure popup with discount coupon to sign up for the newsletter
  • Configure banners highlighting store benefits

7. Email marketing and retention strategies

8. Scaling and Traction from Other Acquisition Channels

  • Create a Growth Hacking routine
  • Create a plan to scale media (if ROAS is at least 5)

Recurring tasks for any e-commerce

  • Daily ad optimization
  • Weekly update and analysis of results
  • Weekly email marketing planning
  • Monthly planning for Blog and social networks

Final considerations

Although there is no guarantee of success, whether with this or any other checklist, following and executing the actions in this digital marketing checklist that we created for e-commerce will certainly increase your chances.

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Complete strategy with practical checklist » Portal Insights

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