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How to sell more on Mother's Day
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When it comes to generating sales, Mother's Day is second only to two other dates: Black Friday and Christmas. Here are some tips to help you sell more on this date.

In times of quarantine, many businesses had to reinvent themselves to continue selling. And in this sense, many companies that were not yet digital or that did not have a strong presence in the online world needed to adapt quickly.

If you are part of the world of virtual stores, you need prepare the best actions to highlight your products among competitors. A Statista study shows that Ecommerce in Brazil is expected to grow 20% annually until 2025. According to data from Nuvemshop, Mother's Day generated R$ 142 million in Ecommerce.

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And on dates like Mother's Day approaching, celebrating special moments becomes increasingly important – even if we have to do it virtually. With all the uncertainties in the current scenario, your sales campaign for Mother's Day will also need to adapt to strengthen relationships with customers and as a consequence, increase sales during this period.

What consumers expect from Mother's Day

A Social Miner carried out research on purchasing intentions on Mother's Day. The study presents a series of data that can help you with ideas of what might work better, see some data:

Leave it until the last minute?

Consumers search for offers up to 15 days before the date. Plan your actions in advance, gradually presenting your followers with the purchasing opportunities they will have on Mother's Day.

What matters most when buying

What most influences consumers to buy is product price (46.4%)followed by promotions (25.8%). Factors such as service and ease of payment were also highlighted by the public.


Digital marketing or traditional marketing?

You may have already read about which of the two methods may work better. The answer to this question may vary, for a very simple reason: your brand's buyer personas.

By knowing what the customs of your audience, you will know which channels he uses to get information, as well as other information that can help segment his advertising. From this, it is easier to define your digital marketing strategy, traditional marketing or a little of each of them.

Don't forget who is already your customer

When asked about purchasing products in the same stores they visited in 2018, 65.9% of consumers have not yet reached a decision. 21.7% said they will not buy from the same stores and only 12.4% intend to buy from the same store.

reinvented the customer experience

The most important factor for those who intend to buy the gift in the same store is the product quality.


Actions to sell more on Mother's Day

Now that you know the importance of Mother's Day, see what you can do to ensure the best results.

Lead segmentation ALWAYS!

Understanding audience behavior is vital for a campaign to be successful. Let's talk about the interaction of contacts at a specific point: your brand's website.

With some configurations on your website, you can integrate it with marketing automation tools. With the integration, you can analyze which pages were browsed by your leads. From this data, create actions based on the content that interested them most while browsing.

Recover abandoned carts

According to data from Forrester, only products abandoned in the cart cause loss of 18 BILLION dollars in annual revenue. I don't think we need to say much more about the importance of abandoned cart automation, right?


Using Dinamize, for example, you can connect your ecommerce with our marketing automation platform and create email marketing or WhatsApp messages to take users back to complete the purchase.

Take a look at this example including WhatsApp, email and SMS in the purchase journey from users:

Example of nutrition flow with abandoned cart WhatsApp automation, email marketing and SMS

Personalize your email campaign

By personalizing your emails, you make it more relevant and attractive to your customers. This will also show that you understand their needs and concerns, as well as being attentive to their interests.

How to connect Google Analytics 4 to Dinamize Automation

Emails driven by data obtained from previous campaigns or the contact's own behavior, such as from user lead tracking on your website, will allow content with personalized product recommendations and specific discounts for each audience.


Promotions that add value

Now, more than ever, people are looking to save money on their purchases.

So, offer promotions such as free shipping, especially to customers who were not used to purchasing online, as it was not a cost they were used to including in their purchases.

Make your campaign attractive

Many of your contacts are bored and isolated at home. In addition, with all your competitors now also online, your campaign needs to attract attention. Try to captivate your audience with creativity, humor and entertainment. Involve him by adding interactivity and personality to your Mother's Day campaign. Try exploring the most diverse channels and media.

Find out which contacts are closest to becoming customers

With the help of a marketing automation platform, you can check who is closest to becoming a customer. By differentiating the public, the actions taken by your brand can be more effective. One way to control engagement is through Lead Scoring, which consists of assign points for each contact interaction.


For example, anyone who viewed an email marketing message gets 5 points, clicked on a link gets +5 points, etc. Registration data (such as position held in the company) can also be considered for the lead to gain points.

Tell stories that motivate the public to buy on Mother’s Day

Copywriting is the practice of producing a narrative that leads the audience to a decision at the end of reading. As we are talking about a commemorative date, exploring some triggers such as urgency and presenting success stories involving your business can help.

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Remember: whenever you promise a solution to a consumer, make sure it is within your power to deliver it. Convincing people that your service delivers something that your brand can't will be detrimental to your brand's reputation.

Keep customers loyal

Satisfied customers can become evangelists, making more people follow your brand. This type of engagement can work more effectively on social media, where the public has the option of sharing posts with other users who don't already follow you.


In addition to motivating your customers to attract other people to purchase, use the registration data you have on them to encourage them to purchase new products. Incentives such as discounts, complementary products, with high value can work.

Note: If you have customers who are not engaged with your brand, try including lower priced productsin relation to those previously acquired by them.

Email with the product visited: see how to increase sales in your e-commerce!

Sell ​​more on Mother's Day and keep selling after it!

If you've come this far, it's because you know the importance of communication based on the interests of leads and customers to guarantee more sales. Now, just use the right marketing automation platform to:


Generate qualified leads

→ creating pop-ups to capture data from website visitors;

→ using our WhatsApp button to take leads directly to an in-app conversation;

integrating CRM, ERPs, remote directories and other platforms with marketing automation.

Warm leads until purchase

→ creating email marketing flows according to products of interest;

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→ analyzing which pages and products were visited by leads;

→ identifying the temperature of your base with one click to create even more targeted actions.

Delight customers (and encourage new sales)

→ buyback emails


→ upselling and cross selling campaigns

→ Satisfaction surveys

These are just some of the possibilities available on our platform! We leave the best news for the end: You can test all features for FREE that will help you sell more and engage your audience.

What do you think about expanding your marketing strategy with Streamline Automation?

Discover now!


So, are you ready to increase sales on Mother's Day?

Also read our posts about marketing on Black Friday and email marketing on commemorative dates!

How to sell more on Mother's Day

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How to sell more on Mother's Day



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How to sell more on Mother's Day


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