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Olcay Gulsen has to testify in case for loan – Olcay Gulsen has been summoned to testify on October 11 in the case of a possible loan from her ex-mother-in-law. The mother of her ex-boyfriend claims to have lent the presenter 100,000 euros that has not yet been repaid. The judge ruled in July that the woman must come up with more evidence.

“That is why we have now called Olcay and her ex-boyfriend – the son of my client – for a witness examination,” lawyer Bram Mous said friday

“Mrs. Gulsen has borrowed 1 ton from her ex-mother-in-law, which she has to repay neatly. That is the claim and it still stands”, Mous continues. “In the interim judgment, the judge has determined that a witness examination must take place in which all available evidence must also be handed over.”

Olcay Gulsen has to testify in case for loan

Gulsen has always denied taking a loan from her former mother-in-law. The presenter states that she borrowed money from her ex-boyfriend at the time and got it back through his mother.


The ex-mother-in-law has statements from 2015 on which she twice transfers an amount of 50,000 to Gulsen with the description ‘loan’.

According to Gulsen’s lawyer, these copies do not constitute sufficient evidence. Verbal agreements would have been made about repaying the amount. According to Mous, this is legally valid, but difficult to prove.


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Olcay Gulsen has to testify in case for loan

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