Police arrest three men in Groningen for bank help desk fraud

by Stephen Douglas
Police arrest three men in Groningen
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Police arrest three men in Groningen – Police have arrested three people on suspicion of bank help desk fraud. With this they would have stolen at least half a million euros, the 

police reported on Wednesday.

The suspects tried to persuade victims to install the Anydesk program via a telephone chat trick. They probably tried to scam dozens of people this way.

Anydesk is a program that allows you to share the content of your screen with someone else. This person can then see what you are doing. You can also let someone else control your computer via Anydesk.

Police arrest three men in Groningen

According to the police, it concerns two men and a boy and they were arrested in a house in Groningen. Data carriers, money and valuable goods were found there. One suspect is currently in custody, the other two have been released. They are still part of the investigation.

The case was started in May when a person in Biddinghuizen made a report. According to the police, there was subsequently found to be a connection with other cases involving a similar method and the same suspects.

The suspects were already arrested in July, but the police could not report the arrests earlier because of the “complex investigation”, a spokesperson said.


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