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12 TED Talks to inspire your marketing » Portal Insights
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Before getting to know our list of personalities who gave an inspiring show at TED Talks, let's talk about this platform and its importance of the event in the business world.

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The acronym TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design) makes clear the topics discussed at the conferences. TED Talks are videos of up to twenty minutes recorded at events held around the world. More than teaching a class in their area of ​​expertise, speakers inspire people by revealing the tactics used to achieve their goals.

The event is thirty-six years old and carries the motto of spreading “ideas that deserve to be shared”. Twice a year, meetings created by the Sapling foundation take place in Asia, the Americas and Europe. The initiative is non-profit and the idea has already been copied in several countries, such as Brazil, which gave rise to the TEDx Talk, an independent version of the original event.


In times when getting information from reliable sources is worth its weight in gold, we have organized a list of twelve TED Talks speakers who were highlighted in the marketing actions of different types of businesses. Follow along with us!

#1 Marketing and physics (by Dan Cobley)

The video, recorded in 2010, brings interesting comparisons between physics (school, really!) and marketing, mainly for repositioning company branding and strategies for changing their communication.

#2 The 404 error (by Renny Gleeson)


You have certainly been disappointed with a “broken” page, which was not found by the server when you clicked on an incomplete or incorrect link. This common failure has been identified as 404 and informs the user that something went wrong, in the most creative ways possible.

The great idea of ​​this TED video is to show that, even in an unsatisfactory experience, something transformative can be inserted into the situation, benefiting the company and user. It is, therefore, about giving new meaning to the moment of error, making it also shape the consumer's final experience.

#3 How to spread ideas (by Seth Godin)

Even if an idea is brilliant and revolutionary, it will have no effect as long as it remains unknown. The same happens when promoting a product or brand.


To spread something new, you must know where to start and where to find the people who will be interested in what you have to offer. Seth Godin gave valuable tips on this subject in his participation in the TED Talk.

#4 Golden Circle (by Simon Sinek)

“Why? As? What?” These are the questions that are part of the Golden Circle, created by Simon Sinek. In the most famous video on the subject, Simon explains how a company organizes itself to the point of becoming a reference, even if other places offer equal or superior services to its own.

#5 The art of asking (by Amanda Palmer)


Amanda Palmer is a musician and shares, in this conversation, her experience with fans. The video's teaching revolves around the idea that it's not necessary to ask for recognition: people will do it naturally if they like what they see.

#6 How to fuel creativity (by Elizabeth Gilbert)

The obligation to be creative every day affects the spontaneity of what was natural. Especially at work, creating to meet goals and fulfill requests discourages the pleasure we found in that process.

The writer of the best-selling Eat, Pray and Love shows how to nurture creativity lightly, even in situations of anxiety and external pressure.


#7 Where good ideas come from (by Steven Johnson)

There are almost twenty minutes of valuable teachings about the path that good ideas take before reaching thought. Steven Johnson shows how places and people influence the discovery process.

#8 The Mystery Box (by JJ Abrams)

JJ Abrams is the creator of series that attracted millions of viewers, such as Lost and Alias, due to the mystery involved in the plots. In the 2008 TED Talks, JJ shows how the unknown is an inexhaustible source of exploration for creativity.


When something mysterious is hidden, what we are left with is the imagination of the occult, and this has no limits to its existence.

#9 What Consumers Want (by Joseph Pine)

Live a memorable experience, whether having a glass of wine or going to Disney. That's what consumers are looking for. Even from a momentary or artificial sensation, the feeling of belonging to something, or being part of a special group of people, is still the biggest shopping stimulus.

In his TED Talk appearance, Joseph Pine shows how to create such unique sensations en masse. It's brilliant!


#10 The Price of Shame (by Monica Lewinsky)

Although this video is not directly aimed at marketing professionals, in order to provide valuable tips for developing communication, it is essential. And not just to marketers: to everyone.

Monica Lewinsky became known worldwide for being the White House intern with whom Bill Clinton had an affair while he was president of the United States in the 1990s. The fact that she gave this summary to say who the girl is proves that her stigma was created by media and public opinion and has become bigger than itself.

In her moving story, Monica makes us think about the ethics and responsibility of communication, especially about brands or people, in the middle of the “era of cancellation”. It's a good reflection so that we don't forget that, on the other side of the screen, human beings consume what we produce.


#11 Three Things I Learned When My Plane Crashed (by Ric Elias)

Another (short) video that does not include marketing techniques, but can generate valuable insights for our campaigns, especially about urgency, immediacy and a sense of priorities.

Ric Elias was on the plane that made a forced landing in the Hudson River, in New York, in the winter of 2009. Despite the adverse circumstances, the episode resulted in no fatalities. However, in the few minutes between “brace for impact” and the feeling of (unknown) relief, Ric Elias was one of the passengers who thought he was facing the end of his life head on.

And then, what was really important?


Your testimony can inspire us to be more committed to campaigns, not only with the veracity of the information but with each person's sense of urgency. In other words, it can teach us to be more patient as our customers move through the sales funnel.

#12 The dark side of storytelling (by Suzanne Duncan)

The last indication, but not least, shows Suzanne Duncan's important contribution to the construction of storytelling.

Creating a story helps in selling products and services because it gives the consumer the opportunity to imagine themselves in that situation and want to be part of and experience the feeling portrayed there.


The big question is when we put ourselves as part of this story while creating it. The dark side of storytelling shows how personal experiences can become obstacles to building a narrative that convinces and enchants.

In all the videos on this list we can extract valuable lessons for the marketing planning of your company or client. Much more than that, the nominations were designed based on the need to inspire people to offer the best of themselves, inside and outside the professional sphere.

On our blog, other inspirational articles for communications professionals are available for reading, such as the 12 Digital Marketing Experts to follow on Instagram. Enjoy!


12 TED Talks to inspire your marketing » Portal Insights

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12 TED Talks to inspire your marketing » Portal Insights



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12 TED Talks to inspire your marketing » Portal Insights


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