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Carrying Ganjar Pranowo as the 2024 presidential candidate, PPP reports Jokowi at the Palace
Acting (Plt) Chairperson of PPP Muhammad Mardiono met President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, Thursday (4/5/2023) afternoon.
PPP’s arrival at the Palace this time was to submit the results of the 5th PPP National Leadership Meeting in Yogyakarta, which contained support for Ganjar Pranowo as a presidential candidate (Capres) in the 2024 election.
Mardiono and the PPP entourage arrived at the Presidential Palace Complex at around 16.00 WIB. Entering the Merdeka Palace through the Bali Wisma Negara door, Mardiono, along with twelve PPP party officials, got out of the car and greeted the media crew.
“The visit to the president is in the context of the first halalbihalal, of course. Then following up on the results of the rapimnas decision, which in the fourth clause mandates that I convey this to the President,” said Mardiono.
The result of the rapimnas that Mardiono meant was to nominate Ganjar Pranowo as a presidential candidate in the 2024 presidential election. This decision was conveyed directly by Mardiono at his residence in Sleman, Yogyakarta, last Wednesday (26/4/2023). When asked whether there were other things to be discussed, Mardiono did not rule out this possibility.
“Maybe later there will be big things, maybe later after meeting with the president. What came to the fore at this meeting I will convey later to media friends,” added Mardiono.
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Carrying Ganjar Pranowo as the 2024 presidential candidate, PPP reports Jokowi at the Palace