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I hit like a dragon: Ishin but I can’t stop tapping his supremely cool in-game farming sim

A lot of people still don’t know that there’s an entire farming sim hidden perfectly as a dragon: Ishin, and that disturbs me a lot. Another Life, as it’s called, the Protag, bound to Ishin’s Duty, for a relaxing new setting, and introduces a bunch of life-defying mechanics that have little to do with the main campaign’s relentless revenge story.

For someone like me who judges harshly any RPG that doesn’t at least offer fishing as a break from the action, another life is a huge selling point for Like a Dragon: Ishin and the main reason I’m still playing the game A month after winning it. (I hit like a dragon)

Another life can be unlocked in chapter three and opens up a pastoral country house that you can travel to by boat from the docks in Kyo whenever you like. Once there, you can grow fruits and vegetables, cook a long list of authentic Japanese dishes, adopt pets and upgrade your own adorable abodes, experiment with interior design, and develop a relationship with Haruka, your new adopted daughter. In fact, it could very well be its own game, with depth comparable to Seasons Story, if not Stardew Valley.

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Other game (I hit like a dragon)

I hit like a dragon

(Image credit: SEGA) yum, yum (I hit like a dragon)

I hit like a dragon

(Image credit: SEGA)

Like a Dragon: Ishin lets you dance, do Udon and race chickens – I enjoyed every minute

The expandable farm, arguably the centerpiece of another life, can be used to plant and harvest a ton of fruits and vegetables, which can then be sold or used in recipes. Fertilizer can be used to speed up this process, but unless you’re in a hurry, it’s not essential. You can also upgrade the farm to increase the growing speed and increase your chances of a good yield, and install scarecrows to protect your crops. There’s even a chicken coop you can use to acquire eggs for dishes like the real crafty chirashi and castella sushi.


My favorite pastime from another life is cooking, which includes a happy-paced ride where you slice vegetables to a bouncy beat. The other kitchen mechanics are a little more rudimentary, like mashing buttons to blow on a campfire and flip fish in time, but the food art is on point, looking every bit as delicious as the weird fake food and life often displayed outside. restaurants in restaurants in Japan. I’ve always been fascinated by Japanese cuisine, and I love reading Like a Dragon: Ishin’s unnecessarily in-depth descriptions of each dish.

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You can’t take the bloodshed out of a Yakuza game (I hit like a dragon)

(Image credit: SEGA)

“The only warning I would give SIM farming fans who may now have their eyes on another life for the next patch is that it is still buried in a very bloody game.”

The only warning I would give sim farming fans who may now have their eyes on another life for the next patch is that it’s still buried in a very bloody game. Many of the mechanics from another life require you to trade your scythe for a katana and venture into the cruel world of feudal-era Japan.

On the one hand, if you want to cook some seafood, you will have to leave another life to catch or buy your own fish; at that point, you might be interrupted by Tosa Leyalists for your head or, just as likely, some weirdo who wants to lure you into a bathroom to steal your underwear. And so my point is: I don’t want to mislead anyone into thinking that another life can be enjoyed in isolation from a dragon: Ishin. I hit like a dragon


Another example is the st ray cats and dogs that you have to rescue first from Kyo to bring back to your farm as pets. However, once you’ve put in the effort to complete several side quests, which are usually pretty quick and easy, you’ll find pets to be another highly rewarding feature of another life. There’s a reciprocal relationship with your adorable cats and dogs where if you upgrade their living quarters they’ll bring back more and better gifts to use in the main campaign. More importantly though, the poor guys are usually in rough shape when you find them, so there’s an emotional drive to restore their coats and give them the best life you can. I hit like a dragon

There’s a lot going on as a dragon: Ishin, so I can’t blame Discourse for too often ignoring the charms of his wonderfully developed sim. All of this is just to say that if you’ve so far taken on another life as a superficial, half-baked diversion from the main plot, you’re sorely mistaken and missing out. I can’t recommend it to casual SIM fans, simply because of all the killing you have to do before accessing the cold zone, but I will say that my generally neat and tidy animal crossing island has been full of weeds since as a dragon: Ishin left.

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I hit like a dragon: Ishin but I can’t stop tapping his supremely cool in-game farming sim

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I hit like a dragon: Ishin but I can’t stop tapping his supremely cool in-game farming sim


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