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Strukton CEO Sanderink Gerard, together with former board members of the construction company, is suspected of bribery in Saudi Arabia. That confirms the lawyer of the businessman and the group after reporting from Het Financieele Dagblad.

The investigation by the Public Prosecution Service (OM) is still in the management phase. This means that the Public Prosecution Service has not yet sent a summons. Whether the Public Prosecution Service will eventually prosecute Sanderink is still unclear, according to his lawyer Paul Acda.

Strukton CEO Sanderink suspected of bribery

The Fiscal Intelligence and Investigation Service (FIOD) raided Strukton in 2019 because of a metro project in the Saudi capital Riyadh. The Dutch construction company received a contract of 1 billion euros for the construction of the metro network in the city.

Sanderink is suspected of leading official bribery of a Saudi prince to get that job.


Acda asked the investigating judge to examine several witnesses. They would paint a more complete picture of the Saudi question than the FIOD. The counsel says that between the raid in 2019 and the beginning of this year, strukton was guessing what the exact suspicions were.

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About the suspicions and the suspects, an OM spokesman does not want to say much more. The Public Prosecution Service expects to bring the case to court in 2023 or 2024.


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