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health insurance in 2022, The transition season has started again. What changes do you have to take into account next year in the field of health insurance? And what just stays the same?

Last Monday, the last health insurers announced their premiums and until 31 December people can decide to exchange their health insurance for another.

It is clear that most people will be more expensive in 2019. Almost all insurers have increased their premiums.

Premium for basic insurance rises by an average of 5.7 percent

The four largest insurers in the Netherlands, Zilveren Kruis (Achmea), VGZ, CZ and Menzis, will increase their premiums in 2019 by 7.50 euros, 4.75 euros, 8.55 euros and 3 euros per month respectively.

Why you better not claim small damages with your all-risk insurance

The premium will not be lower with any insurer next year. However, Besured and PhD candidate keep their premiums the same.

Researcher Moneyview calculated that the premiums for the basic insurance increase by an average of 5.7 percent, or by 76 euros per year. That is not so bad, because the cabinet announced on Prinsjesdag that it expects an increase of an average of 10 euros per month.

Health care allowance goes up (This is all different about your health insurance in 2022)

Not only will health care premiums increase, but the maximum care allowance that households can receive next year will also increase to compensate.

However, the care allowance is lower than the expectation expressed during Prinsjesdag. At that time, an increase of up to 94 euros per year for singles and 281 euros for multi-person households was assumed.


However, because the premiums have risen less than expected, Minister Bruno Bruins for Medical Care announced last week that the maximum allowance for single-person households will increase by 50 euros per year. For multi-person households, this amounts to 193 euros.

The income-related care allowance compensates people for their health care expenses if they meet a number of conditions. For example, the income must be below the income limit and the assets must not be too high.

Cabinet wants more transparency about health insurance

What’s included in the basic package?

The government determines what is included in the basic package of the health insurance. This reimburses commonly used medicines and care. The difference in the various basic health insurances is therefore, for example, in the number of contracted healthcare providers.

As of 1 January, a reimbursement of so-called Combined Lifestyle Intervention (GLI) will be included in the basic package. This focuses on getting a healthy lifestyle with the help of, for example, dietitians. GPs can refer people who are at risk of health due to obesity.


The reimbursement of seated patient transport will also be extended and exercise therapy for the lung disease COPD will be reimbursed from the first treatment. Now that is only the case after 21 treatments. However, a maximum is set for the number of reimbursed treatments.

And what exactly disappears from the basic package?

Paracetamol in a dosage of 1,000 milligrams, vitamins and minerals that can also be obtained without a prescription at the pharmacy or drugstore, go out of the basic package.

According to Minister Bruins, these medicines do not belong in the basic package, because they are self-care products that can be purchased for a relatively small amount. People can therefore bear the costs themselves, says Bruins. This results in a saving of 20 million euros.

CZ increases healthcare premium by 8.55 euros per month

At the same time, the personal contributions for medicines are limited to a maximum of 250 euros per person per year. At the moment there is no maximum. Also, the personal contribution no longer has to be paid at the pharmacy counter. This will soon be done through the health insurer that collects the personal contribution afterwards.


Excess remains 385 euros

The deductible in 2019 is 385 euros, just like this year. You pay the first 385 euros yourself if you use care from the basic package for which a deductible applies. Among other things, costs for the general practitioner, obstetric help and district nursing are excluded from the deductible.

Health insurers often offer the possibility to make a payment arrangement and to pay the deductible in instalments.

It is also possible to voluntarily increase the excess by 100 euros, 200 euros, 300 euros, 400 euros or 500 euros. In exchange for this, you pay a lower premium for the basic insurance.

This is all different about your health insurance in 2022




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