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Tiktok download – Two children in the United States have been killed by a trend on TikTok. Their parents are suing the social medium, reports The New York Times.

The girls of eight and nine years old would have participated in the so-called blackout challenge. In addition, participants try to hold their breath as long as possible, often resulting in fainting. However, sometimes the consequences are more serious.

The parents have sued TikTok, because the platform would lead children to dangerous videos. Moreover, TikTok would know how addictive the app is for children, the parents state.

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It is not the first time that TikTok has been sued because of the blackout challenge. That also happened in May, after a ten-year-old girl from the United States died. Earlier, a ten-year-old girl from Italy would also have died after participating in the challenge.


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TikTok states that the blackout challenge has not been a trend at all on the social medium and that such videos are immediately removed. In addition, the platform says it sympathizes with the parents of the deceased children.

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