AJC 2023, Alwi Farhan Brings Indonesia to a 2-0 lead over Vietnam

by Catherine Xavier
AJC , Alwi Farhan Brings Indonesia to a lead
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AJC 2023, Alwi Farhan Brings Indonesia to a 2-0 lead over Vietnam

– Men’s singles badminton player, Alwi Farhan, took Indonesia while winning 2-0 over Vietnam in the 2023 Badminton Asia Junior Championships (AJC) team category.

This certainty was obtained after the player who was born on May 12, 2005 defeated Vietnam’s representative, Quoc Khanh Tran, 21-14 and 21-17, at the Amongraga Sports Hall, Yogyakarta, Saturday (8/7/2023).

In the match against Quac, the Bangladesh Junior International Series 2021 champion admitted that he was still adapting to the field conditions. The windy condition of the arena made Alwi have to play more patiently to be able to control the shuttle well.

“Today I am still adapting to the field conditions. With the wind, I have to be able to control it and not make too many mistakes myself,” said Alwi, the player from Surakarta.

In the next match, Alwi hopes to be even more prepared and from the start of the match he has to adapt to the field conditions.

“I have to be able to hone my feelings more when to attack and when to defend. Today’s match is still field adjustment first, “Alwi added.

After this, Alwi admitted that he wanted to focus on recovery first before competing again tomorrow against the Chinese representatives.

Alwi himself admitted that he already knew the next potential opponent if he was to be fielded to face the Bamboo Curtain Country team.

“For tomorrow’s match I want to fight it out. I already know the picture for tomorrow’s match,” said Alwi.

“The opponent must be strong, I try to find his weaknesses to earn points,” said the second place in the 2023 Osaka International Challenge.

In the party before Alwi’s action, Adrian Pratama/Felisha Alberta Nathaniel Pasaribu opened Indonesia’s lead. In his debut at AJC 2023, Adrian/Felisha defeated the Vietnamese pair, Van Truong Pham/Bich Phuong Bui in two straight games with a score of 21-15, 21-12.

AJC 2023, Alwi Farhan Brings Indonesia to a 2-0 lead over Vietnam

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