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PSSI finalizes preparations for implementing VAR in League 1
– PT Liga Indonesia Baru (LIB) continues to make careful preparations to immediately implement Video Assistant Referee (VAR) technology in League 1 2023/24. One of the steps is to establish intensive communication with FIFA.
On 20-21 June 2023, PSSI and LIB held an Introductory Meeting for the Indonesian League VAR. The event was held at a hotel in Central Jakarta and was attended by Asep Saputra, LIB’s Director of Operations who is also the VAR Project Leader, along with his team. Representatives from FIFA were also present, namely Michael Bailey as VAR Project Manager, and Guilherme Barbosa as VAR Implementation Manager.
During the meeting, two representatives from FIFA gave an in-depth explanation regarding the preparations that must be made to use VAR. For example, on June 20, Michael Bailey spoke about Referee Education and VAR. All information is provided in detail and complete.
On the second day, Guilherme Barbosa discussed various things that need to be considered in the VAR Project Implementation. All of this is explained in detail, from technical preparations, communication patterns, to matters related to marketing.
Following the explanation from Guilherme Barbosa, on Wednesday afternoon (21/6/2023i), Bhaveshan Moorghen, currently the Football Technology Manager at FIFA, also gave an in-depth explanation of the technology that will be implemented.
Ferry Paulus, Main Director of PT LIB, positively welcomed the VAR Introductory Meeting.
“We always try our best so that VAR can be immediately implemented in League 1. For this initial stage, we are following the directions that have been conveyed by FIFA. We were introduced earlier regarding technology and other relevant regulations related to the implementation of VAR,” Ferry Paulus said as quoted by the New Indonesia League website.
As is known, the use of VAR requires the completion of the entire process of the Assistance Implementation and Approval Program (IAAP). This process includes five stages that must be followed and implemented, namely Preliminary Consideration, VAR Declaration, Preparation and Training, Approval Process, to Monitoring.
“Therefore, there will be another meeting so that in the second round of the 2023/24 BRI League 1, the application of VAR can be carried out correctly, thoroughly and precisely,” he added.
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PSSI finalizes preparations for implementing VAR in League 1
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