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SEAVA Grand Prix: Dimas Saputra Called Again by National Volleyball Training Center
One of the best spikers in Indonesia, Dimas Saputra, was once again called up by the volleyball National Training Center.
Dimas Saputra was called to undergo National Volleyball Training Center in preparation for the 1st SEAVA Grand Prix for Men’s.
Previously, the name Dimas Saputra was not called up by the 2023 SEA Games National Team. Finally, the Indomaret Sidoarjo club player defended the Red and White flag at the 2021 SEA Games.
The name Dimas Saputra also has no list of players prepared for the upcoming Asian Games. Currently, the National Training Center for the Asian Games has been held at the General Kunarto Volleyball Padepokan, Sentul, Bogor, West Java.
Many new names have been summoned by Pelatnas in preparation for the 2023 SEAVA Grand Prix. These names are Prasojo, Yohanes Dedi Prasasti, Musabikhan, Jordan Michael Imanuel, and Reihan Andiko Firli.
The first round of the SEAVA Grand Prix will be held at the Sentul Volleyball Padepokan, Bogor on 21-23 July 2023.
The second round of the SEAVA Grand Prix will be held in Manila, Philippines, 28-30 July 2023. “Pelatnas will be held at GOR Indoor Lavani, Cikeas, Bogor,” said the Deputy Head of Development and Achievement for the Management of the Indonesian Volleyball Association Center (PP PBVSI), Lourdy Maspaitella, Thursday (22/6/2023).
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SEAVA Grand Prix: Dimas Saputra Called Again by National Volleyball Training Center
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