Financial Education for 2023 SEA Games Medal-Winning Athletes

by Catherine Xavier
Bibit id Financial Education for SEA Games Medal Winning Athletes
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– The Ministry of Youth and Sports (Kemenpora) appointed the leading digital investment application in Indonesia,, to provide education regarding finance and investment to athletes and officials of the 2023 SEA Games medal-winning team.

This is a follow-up to President Jokowi’s message so that athletes who win bonuses can make the most of the awards they get.

The Minister of Youth and Sports, Dito Ariotedjo, expressed his appreciation to Bibit, who has been diligent in educating the public so they can invest properly in order to build a better financial future.

“Most of the athletes receiving bonuses are under 25 years old. For this reason, we feel it is important to partner with Seeds to provide education and financial literacy so that younger siblings and all athletes and team officials can take advantage of this momentum to invest properly,” said Dito, Monday (19/6/2023).

In line with Dito, Head of Investment Research Bibit, Vivi Handoyo Lie, who was present as a speaker at this session emphasized the importance of the right investment in building the financial future of athletes.

“At Seeds, we are intensively conducting financial education with the aim that people understand and can start diversifying their investments into various asset classes such as mutual funds, state securities that can be purchased on the primary and secondary markets such as retail state bonds (ORI), savings bonds. retail (SBR), savings sukuk (ST), retail sukuk (SR), fixed rate (FR), project based sukuk and stocks,” said Vivi.

The event, which was moderated by Felicia Putri Tjiasaka, was also attended by Deni Ridwan as Director of Government Securities, DJPPR Ministry of Finance and Prita Ghozie as financial advisor.

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