Pregnant Travelers Experiencing Contractions at Bakauheni Port

by Catherine Xavier
Pregnant Travelers Experiencing Contractions at Bakauheni Port
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Pregnant Travelers Experiencing Contractions at Bakauheni Port

– A pregnant traveler from Kayu Agung, Ogan Komering Ilir (OKI) Regency, South Sumatra with the destination of Tangerang, Banten experienced a contraction at Bakauheni Port, Lampung.

Luckily the condition of the mother and the womb were in good health after the South Lampung Police Dokkes officers swiftly evacuated the pregnant traveler to the hospital.

A traveler named Ayu Bahia (25), a resident of Wanakerta Village, District, Sindang Jaya, Tangerang, Banten experienced contractions at Bakauheni Port, Lampung, Sunday afternoon (30/4/2023).

The young woman experienced contractions when her vehicle was queuing to enter the ship at Pier 7 Executive, Bakauheni Port. At that time, Ayu Bahia and her husband were on their way home from Kayu Agung, OKI Regency, South Sumatra to Tangerang, Banten.

To prevent unwanted things, officers from the South Lampung Police Health Post who were at Bakauheni Port then helped and evacuated the travelers who were experiencing contractions to the Bob Bazar Regional General Hospital (RSUD), Kalianda, South Lampung.

Head of the Doctors and Health Section (Kasi Dokkes) of the South Lampung Police, Ipda Cantika Tara said that at around 16.30 WIB in the parking pocket of Pier 7 Executive, personnel at the Bakauheni Ops Ketupat Krakatau 2023 port service post received reports from service users namely passengers after going home to Sumatra and back to Jakarta.

“At that time they were waiting to board the ship. This husband and wife couple came from Kayu Agung, South Sumatra who were going to Tangerang at Pier 7, said Ipda Cantika Tara.

Ipda Cantika Tara explained that Ayi Bahia’s husband reported that his wife, who was nine months pregnant, had contractions.

“From the confession of the pregnant woman, according to the midwife at her place of control, the expected date of birth (HPL) falls on May 8, 2023,” explained Ipda Cantika Tara.

According to Ipda Cantika Tara, the gestational age has entered the time of delivery. The patient’s complaint at the port is that the contractions are too frequent.

“So this is the first pregnancy. We just checked the condition of the pregnancy. Thankfully, the mother and baby are in good condition,” said Ipda Cantika Tara.

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Pregnant Travelers Experiencing Contractions at Bakauheni Port


Pregnant Travelers Experiencing Contractions at Bakauheni Port

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