Visiting the Funeral Home, Menpora Dito Hopes David Jacobs’ Death Will Be Completely Investigated

by Catherine Xavier
Visiting the Funeral Home, Menpora Dito Hopes David Jacobs' Death
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Visiting the Funeral Home, Menpora Dito Hopes David Jacobs’ Death Will Be Completely Investigated

The Minister of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia (Menpora) Dito Ariotedjo asked the Kapolda Metro Jaya to thoroughly investigate the cause of the death of Indonesian table tennis athlete, David Jacobs.

This was revealed by Dito during a funeral at the Sentosa Funeral Home, Central Army Hospital (RSPAD) Gatot Soebroto, where David Jacobs was buried, Friday (28/4/2023).

“Kemenpora has asked the Kapolda Metro Jaya to thoroughly investigate this incident and thank God, from the story of the late brother, the Kapolda has moved. Now we are waiting for the results of his investigation,” said Dito as quoted from Kemenpora’s official statement, Saturday (29/4/2023).

Menpora Dito Ariotedjo representing the extended family of the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia expressed his condolences to the families left behind. He emphasized that David Jacobs is a hero for Indonesian sports.

“I am here representing the extended family of the Ministry of Youth and Sports and also Indonesian sports lovers, with a sad heart to express my condolences for the family of Mr. David Jacobs who was left behind. Hopefully the late Mr. David will be accepted by God Almighty and a good home will be built in heaven,” said Menpora Dito.

David Jacobs is living proof that there are no limits to achievement. Despite having a functional problem in one of his hands, thanks to his passion, focus, persistence and perseverance in table tennis, David Jacobs was able to make Indonesia proud on the international stage.

“David Jacobs is a hero for Indonesian sports. Because he left us all after he arranged for a visa to make the name of the nation and red and white proud,” added Dito.

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Visiting the Funeral Home, Menpora Dito Hopes David Jacobs’ Death Will Be Completely Investigated


Visiting the Funeral Home, Menpora Dito Hopes David Jacobs’ Death Will Be Completely Investigated

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