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Menpora: International Competitions Grow Optimism and Positive Trends in the Sports World
– Minister of Youth and Sports (Menpora) Dito Ariotedjo stated that international competition fosters optimism and positive trends in the Indonesian sports world.
This was said when opening the Olympic Committee Congress or KOI at the Ballroom of the Fairmont Hotel, Senayan, Jakarta on Friday (30/6/2023).
In his remarks, Menpora Dito, who represented the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, expressed his deepest gratitude to the general chairman and the executive committee who have worked hard so far in the various efforts that have been made.
“These efforts have ensured the participation of Indonesian athletes in multievent sports, such as the 2019 Kuala Lumpur Sea Games, the 2020 Tokyo Olympics which were postponed to 2021, the 2021 Vietnam SEA Games which were postponed to 2022, and the Cambodian SEA Games 2023,” he said.
“Three years ago, during the Covid-19 pandemic which was recently declared over by the President, the world of sports has experienced very tough challenges, especially in relation to competitions at the international level, which had very limited movement space. However, the results of the SEA Games 2022 and 2023 as well as the Asean Para Games in the same year, growing optimism and positive trends in the Indonesian sports world,” said Dito.
In addition, KOI has also succeeded in maintaining Indonesia’s sports diplomacy at the international level, one of which is by accelerating the completion of WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) sanctions.
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Menpora: International Competitions Grow Optimism and Positive Trends in the Sports World
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